I Don't Want To Hurt You

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A/N: Suggestion from @RandomXaviar Thad x Uzi.  Mostly angst still with some fluff.  I am currently working on everyone's requests and they'll be out soon.  I appreciate everyone's patience.  Sorry it's a little short.  Anyways, enjoy this little fic!

All Uzi could remember before she succumbed to the solver for the first time at the cabin fever labs trip was begging Thad to run away from her. The green worker wanted to stay with her, and attempted to do so, but in the end she swiped at him. He needed to run.

I need to get somewhere safe...just until I can get to N or V. Maybe they can help her out.

With his new plan set, Thad managed to get to another cabin Uzi had explored for workers to eat, staying behind her trail. Glancing down at his chest, he saw his metal torn open lightly with a few of his wires sticking out. It burned. Badly. But he knew this wasn't Uzi, this wasn't his amazingly smart and beautiful girlfriend, this was just something she was going through, and he wanted to help her in every way he could.

Thad managed to find a metal patch that he could use to cover his wound for now until he could get medical attention at the colony. With this, his goal was now to find either one or both of the murder drones that might have had a better idea of what was happening to his girlfriend. Running through the current snowstorm on the night of a full moon, he could hear his classmates screams, oil splattering, and entrails flying everywhere. A literal massacre.

Hang on Zi, I'm going to help you I promise.

His core broke as he could hear her laughs through the night, they sounded wrong. Was she...crying? Thad's visor came up with some digital tears, pushing his robotic body to the limit when he saw V flying through the sky.

"V!" He yelled loudly, practically screaming. The female murder drone saw him and flew down in front of him. "V...help..Zi...murder..."

"Yeah I know. No shit dipstick." V remarked, but she looked over, seeing Uzi watching them through the trees. In order to avoid the hit, V flew back up into the sky and before Thad knew it, his girlfriend pounced on him. She was laughing and crying, her visor turned into the solver symbol. Her hand transformed into a claw, ready to swipe at him again, but Thad caressed her cheek with his hand. She stopped.

"T-Thad...please just...end it." Uzi begged him. He shook his head,

"You can do it Zi," He sat up, she was in his lap, on top of him, claw threatening to strike at any moment. "I'll always be here for you. Come back to me baby."

Uzi sniffled, the nickname snapped her out of it, she gazed into Thad's optics before her visor began to glitch out, eventually returning to normal. She took a deep breath as Thad wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a small peck on the lips. Nothing lustful or wanting for more, but just a supportive kiss, letting her know that he was there for her.

The purple worker's wings retracted back into her, her tail doing the same. The claw that was about to strike returned to her normal scuffed up hands from all of her railgun projects that he loved so dearly about her. The two workers said nothing, and she lept at him, her arms going around his neck. Burying her face into his chest.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...!" she repeated her words, Thad hushed her, supporting her with his arms.

"Zi, look at me," He requested, she looked up and he kissed away her digital tears making her giggle. "It's okay now, you did so well. I'm proud of you."

She sighed in content and relaxed into his arms. She suddenly went limp, seeing she had fallen into sleep mode. Thad just chuckled and picked her up, carrying her on his back. When he turned around, he stopped in his tracks, a blush coming across his visor when he saw both V and N ready to be backup.

"What the hell just happened?" V asked super confused, N just shrugged and said something about how she was at least back to normal now.

Everyone, well mostly everyone anyways, gathered back onto the bus, Thad cuddling her the whole way home, passed the colony doors, into the halls, until he finally reached his girlfriend's residence. He knocked on the door, Mr. Doorman answered, he looked at his daughter worryingly. The green worker reassured him everything was fine and that they could talk it over in the morning. He eventually reached her room and sat her down onto her bed, she was still fast asleep.

That must have taken a lot out of her...don't worry hon, we'll figure this out.

Thad turned on her purple LED lights before shutting off her main light to the room, presenting a purple glow. He played a spooky lo-fi video for her on the computer, it softy played through her speakers. He crawled into the bed with her, spooning her fragile body.

"I love you Zi, and I'll do everything in my power I can to protect you. I promise. I won't let you hurt yourself like that again."

Word Count: 887 words.

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