My Bully Loves Me

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A/N: Request from @Shusieee Lizzy x Uzi.  As always, if you guys want to make a request of a ship/idea you want to see written out then please comment it down in the first chapter of this book and I'll get back to you.  This was a fun one to write, enjoy the fic!

The purple angsty worker walked down the halls of her school, it seemed to be every normal kind of day. She'd wake up, her dad would already be at work, get dressed, and head to school. So far, the morning as going peacefully until-

She got tripped.

By Rebecca.

I'm seriously going to kill her one of these days.

Uzi looked up to find the popular trio of Lizzy, Doll, and the said Rebecca all laughing at her fall. However, the purple worker's attention was mainly focused on Lizzy, the popular, blonde, and hot as hell drone that walked the halls like she owned them.

Oh, she'll own me alright...

Uzi picked herself up, brushed her hoodie with her hands, muttering her usual catchphrase:

"Bite me!"

Lizzy watched as Uzi walked off to her next class, she felt kind of bad, but to her, Uzi looked adorable, pouting her lips secretly at Lizzy, knowing what it would do to her. How wet it made her.

Oh, you are SO gonna get it later hon~. You did ask this of me after all.

Secretly, the two workers were actually dating. As for how that came to be? They discovered they were online friends through a discord server for a show they liked. Once they called one another, Lizzy recognized Uzi's voice, and the love story went on from there.

While Lizzy felt bad about the bullying, Uzi's the one who asked her to keep doing it. To the purple worker, it was like roleplay for her. Secretive lovers who live separate lives, share passions of one another throughout the night. She was a romance classic like that. She was also a little angsty emo goth, so the whole pretending and occasionally getting shoved was a whole kink for her in the bedroom. She also knew Lizzy had a whole group of friends, and didn't want their relationship to be the reason for the blonde workers social status to plummet.

For Uzi, social status was exempt being Khan's daughter, but Lizzy? While bullying wasn't encouraged, she did work hard academically to get good grades and be apart of cheerleading. She didn't sell herself short and she worked to get to her place. So, if a little bullying here and there helped Lizzy with that, then she didn't mind. Plus, the fact it turned her on.

It made her so hot and bothered that all the purple worker could do during the whole class was fantasize about what Lizzy was going to do to her. When Rebecca shoved her, Uzi 'fell' to her knees and made a little pout in Lizzy's direction, knowing how much that stance turned her on.

It was exhilarating.

While Uzi was on the other side of the classroom, Lizzy could see her fidgeting in her seat. The purple worker was wet at this point, so, Lizzy came up with an idea that popped up in her head. Smirking, the blonde worker raised her hand.

"Yes, Lizzy?" The teacher (her and Thad's dad) said.

"Sir, may I use the ladies room?" She asked sweetly, her dad only looked at her in confusion but just nodded his head.

"Go on then."

With that, Lizzy got up from her chair, making sure to pass by Uzi's desk and 'hit' her head in a bully way, when in reality it was an excuse to put a note on her desk.

"Watch it, purple freak." Lizzy insulted.

"Bite me!" Uzi spat out angrily, her visor blushing hard a little. She spotted the note Lizzy left her, after reading it, she wanted to practically jump out of her seat and run to the blonde worker:


Wait about ten minutes, then ask the teacher to run to your locker. Meet me in the bathroom, you're in trouble for that pout. My little bitch~.

- Your super-hot lover

Snickering a little at the name she called herself, Uzi was panting, her mind filled with the things Lizzy was going to do to her. But she obeyed her girlfriend and waited the ten minutes. The long, excruciating, painful ten minutes. One the hand on the clock hit, she raised her hand, and asked to go to her locker for something she forgot. The teacher looked at her questioningly but just nodded, waving her off, not caring to pay attention to her.

Uzi practically sped walked the whole way to the bathroom, pushing open the door, she was immediately taken by the arm and led all the way in, into the end stall of the rest room. Lizzy locked the bathroom door and proceeded to pin Uzi up against it.

"You think you're so smart, huh? Pouting? What the FUCK have I told you about the pouting, hm?" Lizzy asked her, still pinning Uzi's hands above her head. The purple worker felt her knees buckle at the amount of dominance she presented, overwhelming her slightly. Her girlfriend noticed this. "Shit! Zi, are you okay, I wasn't trying to scare you or anything, I thought you wanted-"

"Of course I wanted that! I'm fine, just..." The angsty drone connected their lips for a second. "Holy hell Lizzy." They both laughed. Lizzy unpinned Uzi and wrapped her arms around Uzi's waist instead. She pressed their bodies against the door, still keeping the purple worker somewhat pinned.

The blonde worker bent her head down to meet with Uzi's neck. She licked a small part a little ways below her audio sensor (ear) and began to kiss and suck on the spot. Uzi whined, squirming from her girlfriend's attention. She tried to get a grip on herself, but that idea was quickly destroyed when Lizzy pressed her knee against Uzi's groin. The purple worker let out a small moan at the attention, but in return, Lizzy harshly bit her neck.

"Ow! Lizzy what-"

"Be quiet." The blonde worker commanded.

"Or what?" Uzi asked in a whisper, the two workers now looking at one another.

"If you make one more moan," Lizzy began, her dominance side that Uzi loved the shit out of beginning to come out, "I'll stop, and you won't get touched for the rest of the day. Not even cuddles." Lizzy giggled a little at the last part, but resumed what she was doing to Uzi, both her mouth and knee at work. Uzi let out small whimpers here and there but didn't dare to utter another moan.

Her legs began to shake from the pleasure, this signaled Lizzy to stop.

"That can wait until tonight, my little goth." The blonde worker chuckled, booping the purple workers visor, then opening the door, proceeding to class.

Uzi fell to her knees and was breathing heavily, good robo-god she couldn't wait.

Word Count: 1149 words.

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