Finals & Maple Syrup

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N was sitting the in the pilot chair of the pod, sulking. The male murder drone had been a little depressed as of late because due to finals week at the purple drone's school, Uzi hasn't been able to visit N at all. And while he does want to visit Uzi at her home to make sure she is doing okay, the male murder drone doesn't know how her father, Khan Doorman, will react to the situation if he did. N groaned trying to think of possibilities to see his purple girlfriend, but to no avail nothing was working. N and Uzi's relationship was also a new thing as well, and he didn't want to chase the purple drone away by being to clingy, however to be honest, N had some touch starved issues. And this meant whatever kind of touching, whether that be sexual or just through casual talk; J never really bothered to talk to N all that much when she was alive, and V, well, she was constantly either sleeping in the pod, hunting, or hanging out with Lizzy.

The male murder drone groaned again and kicked his feet at the frustration. This caused a slamming sound from the other room as the female murder drone made her appearance into the pilot room where N was.

"For fuck's sake N! Stop groaning and go see her already! You woke me up!" V screeched, stomping her foot, almost causing the ground beneath her to bend, this terrified N a little, making him flinch.

"But! V! She's doing finals, and her dad won't be happy if I visit her, and-" V threw a random metal object at the male murder drone while he was talking, and V interrupted.

"Lizzy told me their last day of finals was today, and that the purple thing seemed really out of it. You two need each other right now N, and it seems like Uzi could really use your help, so fuck what her dad thinks, and go visit her before I cut your fucking head off AGAIN and drag your damn body there myself!" V smiled as an X appeared on her visor with her claws out. N quickly scurried out of his seat, saluted V, then busted out the pod with his wings intact.

N started to fly towards the bunker with excitement in his eyes, he could finally see his girlfriend again! The male murder drone flew faster and faster, his mind racing at a thousand miles an hour. However, what N didn't realize was that a certain appendage was practically throbbing under his hatch beneath his coat. The yellow drone had been so depressed about Uzi not being there that he had deprived himself all week from...relieving...himself as well. Which created an even more impacted affect as he reached the bunker doors, knocking on them. When the doors opened a crack, the worker drone jumped back before realizing it was just N.

"N! Hey man! Haven't seen you in a bit!" Ron, the worker drone at the door commented while opening them the rest of the way for N.

"HI! Yeah, Uzi is finished with her finals so I came to check on her!" N happily said as he walked through the door. With that, they pushed the button to operate the door N just walked through and shut it, allowing the other two doors to open.

"Ah...gonna get some action huh?" Ron chuckled while sending a playful wink at N, hinting a specific "action" that N knew what he was talking about. This caused N's opticals to hollow and a blush appear on his visor.

"W-What?! No! I mean-well-I don't...ummm...gonna go now bye! Nice seeing you again!" N stuttered and ran while waving at Ron. The worker drone simply chuckled again, remembering his youth and those times. Good times.

Meanwhile, N started to make his route to the Doorman's apartment in the bunker. While doing so, N thought back to what V said. She mentioned something about how apparently Lizzy mentioned Uzi being out of it? N hoped his purple drone was okay, this caused him to walk faster until he was finally in front of the apartment. He knocked on the door, to be met with an annoyed Khan.

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