When We Met Pt. 3 (Finale)

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A/N: This is the last part of the Khan x Nori request, I hope everyone enjoys it!  Requests are open, so if anyone has a ship and/or an idea they want to see written out then just request it in the first chapter so I can keep track.  Enjoy the fic!

Surprisingly, they had found a way to create babies amongst two drones in Coppoer-9, and unlike Khan and Nori with marriage, it was actually Yeva and her lover who had their child first, Doll. Afterwards, Nori had seen the way Doll, even though just a small pill baby, was with Yeva, she got baby fever, and couldn't help but think of how good a father Khan would be. And due to her visions, which were becoming more frequent, it would be a nice small piece of her to leave behind.

So, here her and Khan were, in the nursery, asking for an untrained neural network, AKA a baby. While worker drones could have...sexual fun...with one another, they were robotic, and couldn't produce a child with their own bodies. So they had to get an untrained neural network and put their programming into it to produce their child. The woman came out of the door with the soon-to-be baby cradled in her hands.

"Alright, we will leave you two in this room while accomplishing this little achievement of yours! Just put your hand over the visor and it will scan your programs. Wait about five minutes while the child stabilizes and you'll have your very own baby!" The woman spoke, handing the pill baby off to Nori, her and Khan looked at one another and nodded. The woman left the room leaving the two alone.

Nori looked down at the unit. She then took a deep breath and put her hand over the visor first. It scanned her hand, creating a beeping sound once it was done. She then transferred the unit over to Khan's arms as he did the same. The married couple sat down together, waiting to see what their child would look like. About after five minutes, a giggle sound came out of the child, and on its visor it read: It's a girl!

The visor then switched over to a baby with purple optics, just like Nori. Laughing. Khan and Nori let out a sigh of relief and started to cry. She kissed the child's visor and looked at Khan, who hugged his now TWO wonderful girls.

"Our little Uzi..." Nori spoke as Khan chuckled at the name, but she liked it, and he loved her.

"Welcome to life on Copper-9 little one." Khan said afterwards, making it Nori's turn to chuckle.

They took Uzi home and settled her into the cradle they had made for her. Khan starred lovingly at the two. At first he was unsure, he didn't know if he would make a good father. After all, he was only meant to serve as a worker drone unit, do his tasks, then be disposed of in a few decades. He never imagined being able to come this far, on his own, with a family. Especially with their little Uzi. He could already tell she'd grow to do great things. If Nori was there, then everything would be fine.

Raising Uzi turned on a switch in Nori, she felt her motherly instincts taking over day by day. She was so happy to see she was becoming someone that changed from who she was before. Even though she still stuck with her little crazed ramblings and edgy style, she felt as if she played a part in her family that she could be proud of. There she was, sitting in the living room, holding Uzi while talking with Khan.

"But it's so far away! Can't you grab it?" Nori pouted, to which Khan sighed and got up off the couch, grabbing the remote to the TV only a few feet in front of her.

"Alright here you go, but you were closer to it in the first place, just saying." Khan chuckled as he handed the remote over to Nori, she then tried to find a TV show she liked that they could watch.

"Oh, bite me!" Nori laughed as they settled back down. That was a phrase Khan grew to love. At first he found it a little annoying, but Nori's personality just fit it so well. Suddenly, while it grew quiet with only the TV show on in the background, they heard it.

"Bite me!"

The two grown workers stopped in their tracks and looked down at Uzi. Uzi said her first word! And it was non other than Nori's catch phrase. The female worker was ecstatic, while Khan sat there amazed, trying to decide if he should be worried or proud about the situation. Little did they know, that would be one of the last little family moments before everything turned south.

About a week later, a huge crash was heard not to far from the Colony, and Nori woke up in the middle of the night, starring into the darkness. She knew it was time. It was time to say goodbye. So, she took Uzi into her arms, and ran out with Khan to see what the commotion was. Nori held Yeva back, and placed her beloved child into her arms.

"You don't have to do this Nori, we can figure out another solution. You can't just leave Uzi." Yeva spoke with tears in her visor. Nori only let out a small smile, and kissed Uzi's visor one last time.

"Mama loves you baby, please grow big and strong for me." And with those words, Nori continued to run out with Khan.

The sky demons she had seen finally landed. They attacked every worker in sight, anywhere from ripping their limbs apart to toying with them. It was a massacre. She was currently trying to fight one off with her solver as she saw one about to strike Khan with her tail from the back. Nori yelled to Khan, but it seemed as if he didn't hear her. She lept in motion, and took the hit for Khan, causing the disassembly drone's nanite acid tail to stab her through her visor.

"AH!" Nori screamed and fell to the ground, but doing so she brought Khan down with her to make the murder drone think he was dead as well. The murderers soon left, realizing they locked down the colony.

"N-Nori! Stay with me honey! We can get you to the-ah!" Khan flinched as she grasped his arm tightly, holding her visor with the other hand. She looked at him, her optics glitching between purple and yellow. He knew what that meant. They have been together long enough to understand that the absolute solver was going to take her sooner rather than later. He just hoped it would never come to that.

Nori could feel herself slipping away, she cried. She didn't want to leave Khan or Uzi this soon, but she knew it would happen eventually.

"K-Khan, please...kill me while I'm still here with you. I love you and Uzi so much, please Khan..." Nori spoke as she grabbed his wrench and put it into his hand. Khan's optics hollowed as he realized what she was asking of him. He began to cry.

"N-Nori! No! I still need you! Uzi still needs you! Please! There must be another way..." Khan cried out. He didn't want to kill his wife. But there was no other way around it. Cyn was taking over, and she wasn't going to let go this time. Nori could only smile at Khan, tears in her digital visor. They connected their lips one last time, before she started to scream in agony from the pain of Cyn taking over.

So with a deep breath, Khan raised the wrench, and killed her. He killed his lover, to protect her of what she could have become. He sat there for who knows how long, looking at Nori's body he had crushed.

"I-I'm sorry Nori...I'm so sorry!" Khan cried, he lifted her hand and gave it a kiss, before taking the wrench and returning to the colony, sharing the bad news. Yeva went up to him and handed Uzi to him. At least he still had her.

"She wanted something to leave behand for you, a piece of her." Yeva spoke, making Khan realize Nori knew this was going to happen, making him cry even more. He swore he would do everything in his power to make it so Uzi didn't have the same fate.

Although, seeing Uzi with a murder drone so many years later wasn't the thing Khan was really expecting, but as he sat with Nori's core body in his hands being reunited with her, all he could do in that moment was hope and pray things would be different for his daughter and her lover this time.

Word Count: 1476 words.

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