A Present for N Pt. 3

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A/N: Request from @TheMaroonWriter N x Uzi part 3.  Just a quick note to anyone who may want to add onto this three-part story, I will be posting part three but that's it, mainly just because I don't think there is anything else that I can continue this little story with.  I'll still be posting plenty of one-shots and doing requests so there no need to worry about that lol.  Speaking of requests they are still open to anyone who wants to see an idea/ship written out then please comment in the first chapter of this book so I can keep track.  I will get back to you and try to have it out within the next couple of days.  I am TRYING to get into other ships than just Nuzi, so if you guys have any ideas then please don't be afraid to leave some comments on here of other ships you'd like to see in this book. I am also working on doing some fluff/comfort stories so it won't all just be sexual content for those who may not be a big fan of it, and if you request it I can do angst as well. WARNING: This is a very spicy a$$ chapter, I blushed while writing this lol.  Anyways, y'all spicy people enjoy the fic!

It had been about a week since N's birthday, but Uzi couldn't help but feel like she somewhat failed in the surprise and gifting department. Sure, she turned into a murder drone and cat that N had some fun with, but that stuff wasn't ACTUALLY from her. They were just events that seemed to happen around a convenient time. So, Uzi tried to think about what she could do for N as to show a small little gesture in their relationship that she loved him.

In doing so, she remembered how N mentioned things about music and ballet. Apparently when N was a worker drone, Tessa, the human he served for and her family, was required to practice ballet. Supposedly he found Swan Lake to be a nice little dance, sometimes he wished he could see it again, even if for just nostalgia purposes. This gave Uzi an idea, while Swan Lake was cute, she could do a few other things as well.

A couple of days later, N noticed Uzi was being somewhat secretive which worried him. If something was on her mind she usually told him everything. His thoughts were about to be proved wrong however when Uzi sent a message telling N to meet her in the gymnasium. The male murder drone immediately went to the location to see what was on his girlfriend's mind and to see if she was alright. The last time they were in that gym, Doll tried to kill V.

N stepped inside to hear a specific music he hadn't heard since he was a worker, that music being the track to Swan Lake. The stage lights turned on and N walked a little closer. A certain purple haired drone stepped out wearing the classic white ballet costume the same as the original play. The white feathers seemed to reflect off of Uzi, portraying her as somewhat soft, but if you looked close enough, the feather looked sharp enough to cut, reflecting a hint of a secret side. She blushed, but N thought it was perfect for her. His mouth slightly agape, and he gasped as she began to dance.

Uzi cringed inside herself the whole time she danced, but seeing N's amazed face made all of the practicing and downloading the program worth it. She just wanted to do something for HIM for once. He had been so kind and supportive towards her, it was time she gave something back, even if it was just through a dance of some kind. A little while later she finished, bowing towards N and winking at him.

"Wait here for just a minute or two, alright? Also, put this on." Uzi said in a soft voice and threw N's dapper prom tux at him. He caught it and nodded, still speechless at the romantic gesture Uzi had just performed in front of him. It made her smile.

With N now wearing his dapper little tux from prom, Uzi stepped out from the stage in her prom dress and walked down the small amount of stairs, going up to N. The music had changed to a similar track at prom, she went up and wrapped her arms around his neck. N wrapped his arms around her waist as they began to slow dance.

"What's all this about biscuit?" N asked, amazed Uzi had done all of this for him.

"I just...wanted to do something to say thank you, for all you've done for me. I know you said not to worry about it, but I felt like loving you on your birthday just wasn't enough. I wanted you to see that I would do anything for you as well." Uzi's visor blushed as she said those words, N only smiled even wider and gave Uzi a peck on the lips.

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