Non-Murderous Prom Pt. 1

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A/n: HELLO! HI! HOLY  CRAP I haven't been able to update in a while, thank you all for being so patient with me, you all are awesome.  Anyways, this is a request from @DollIsTheBest Lizzy x Doll.  This is one of two parts and I am working on other requests.  Enjoy the fic!

Doll was inside of Lizzy's bathroom connected the bedroom getting ready. She slipped on her red dress and took a moment to adjust her hair. Afterwards, she took a deep breath and stepped out in the said bedroom. The blonde worker looked at her in shock, a small little blush appearing on her visor.

"Doll! O-M-G! You look so cute! Oh, wait, I totally forgot something, come here." She gestured to the red worker, to which Doll walked over to her. Lizzy pulled a metal red rose pin out of her drawer and pinned it into Doll's hair. "There, now you look amazing!" Lizzy squealed. Doll touched the hair pin.

"L-Lizzy this is too much." Doll spoke quietly, but Lizzy only waved her off.

"Nonsense! You look amazing, dare I say even sexy! You should do stuff with your hair more often." The blonde worker replied, finishing herself up and looking in the mirror at her pink dress.

"Sexy...huh?" Doll chuckled, this made Lizzy realize what she said.

"I-I mean-"

"Relax, I'm giving you a hard time. If Thad is done, then should we get going?" The red worker asked, and Lizzy shook off her blush.

"Oh, actually we're meeting him there. He's taking V to prom." The blonde worker replied, Doll raised a digital brow at this but simply shook it off. There was a lot more she wanted to think about instead tonight rather than the female murder drone that killed her entire family. They proceeded to head out and into the gymnasium where the "event of the century" was being held.

Walking in, there they spotted Thad and V walking around, N and Uzi being awkward with one another before N offered her a dance, and Lizzy and Doll? Well, each one was just standing there. The blonde worker rubbed her arm in nervousness, trying to find her friend group, but it all seems like they were with their dates.

Might as well just go backstage and wait to announce king and queen.

Before Lizzy could walk away however, she saw a hand appear in front of her. She looked up, and found Doll's visor blushing.

"You want to maybe dance? We might as well while we're here." The red worker asked, Lizzy's visor went back to blushing furiously, but she only just smiled, nodded her head, and took Doll's hand.

The two workers walked out onto the floor, Doll placing her hands on Lizzy's hips, while the blonde worker placed hers on Doll's shoulders. They slowly began to sway back and forth. Doll's touch felt warm and comforting, her grip, while not to tight, had a decent tightness to it, just in the right area where Lizzy was content. She almost wanted to moan when Doll massaged her slightly out of comfort. Meanwhile Doll couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful the blonde worker was.

The way her blonde shiny ponytail swayed, her pink dress flowing and fitting her body perfectly, she could even the see the blush appear on her visor, Doll smirked at the detail. However, while the moment was nice, and she could confess now, the red worker decided not to, not wanting to ruin the peaceful moment. For all she knew, that was as good as it was going to get.

The dance ended and Lizzy was called up to the stage to announce prom kind and queen. Doll didn't care to pay attention; she just saw the blonde worker up there at the moment. To her, Lizzy was everything. She helped her when times were tough, they consistently hung out and she would protect the red worker, it was obvious to any other drone she had a crush on the blonde worker badly. The prom ended with V ending up as queen and N as king, something all of the workers already saw coming given their robotic models. But they clapped and shouted nonetheless.

"She doesn't even go here!"

"Shut up Braiden! They're hot!"

Lizzy came back down from the stage and went to Doll, they both couldn't stop smiling at one another. Thad came up to them soon and offered to take their leave, and go back to their place to get some food. Doll's stomach secretly rumbled as she herself was absolutely starving. Lizzy agreed to the proposal and they all went to Lizzy and Thad's bunker. As they walked down the hall, Uzi and N in the front, Thad and V in the middle, and Doll and Lizzy, together in the back. As the blonde worker walked, she looked over to the red worker, a smile on her face. Slowly, Lizzy reached out her hand as they both kept facing towards the hall.

Inch by inch she moved her hand towards Doll's. Eventually, their pinkies connected, Doll looked over feeling the touch and saw Lizzy staring at her with a blush and smiling, Doll returned the expression and they soon clasped their hands together, moving closer as they walked.

"Finally! We're here! I'm starving!" Thad exclaimed and the rest laughed at his comment. They entered the bunker and all sat down in the Livingroom. Thad was about to go get some batteries, screws and even some diesel to drink for their chill out time, but Lizzy commented that she would get it instead.

I need some air...was that moment in hall real?

The blonde worker marched over to the kitchen, a wall separating between her and the rest of the group, little did she know someone followed her.

"Lizzy...can we talk?"

Word Count: 965 words.

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