Running Away Was The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Us Pt. 3 (finale)

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A/N: Request from @BrianGeller N x Tessa.  This is part three of three.  Sorry if these parts were a little short, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways.

It had been many years later, the two lovebirds got married after they graduated college, and soon after had two children of their own. Alex, the eldest, was a boy with Tessa's hair and N's eyes, while Ella, the youngest, had the opposite traits, N's hair and Tessa's eyes. They were a perfect little family, N and Tessa couldn't have been happier while living their lives and raising them. However, all birds must eventually leave the nest, just like she did when she left the manner.

"Oh my...this place brings back memories..." Tessa spoke, walking into the dorm where Alex would be staying at the same exact college they attended way back when.

"It sure does." N replied, walking in and wrapping an arm around her waist. He could tell she was about to cry any minute. Alex came back out after putting some boxes away.

"" The eldest looked to his parents, and he himself was trying not to cry. It felt like the end of an era, something Tessa and N weren't expecting to come so soon.

"Alex, please remember to be careful while you're here, but also have fun. Perhaps meet a boy you like~!" Tessa teased and he blushed.


"Ha! Alex needs a boyfriend!" Ella, the youngest taunted her brother. However, he only glared down at his sister before crossing his arms.

"Oh? And do I need to tell mom about a specific guy you're flirting with?" Ella, who was only about two years younger than Alex, blushed and hit his shoulder.


N laughed, a little perturbed at the fact his daughter might be starting to see someone, he felt his father instincts taking over, but he could get into that later.

"Alright calm down the both of you. Your mother's wanting grandkids, adoption and/or biological, but we know that won't be for another couple of years. Right, love?" He looked to Tessa, who only seemed to pout in response.

"Fine. But seriously Alex, please, do your best, your father and I love you no matter what, alright?" She kissed her son on the cheek and gave him a hug. Alex reciprocated and as they pulled away, N stepped up it was his turn with his son. He laid a hand on Alex's shoulder.

"You'll do good, son. I know you will. I remember when your mother and I came here, it was under different circumstances, but it was some of the best years of my life, along with having you two." Alex could see N start to tear up himself a little, and gave him a hug. They soon separated, and N and Tessa walked through the door, closing it behind them. On their way home, Ella sat in the back of the car, Tessa in the passenger seat while N drove.

A couple of hours later they got home, Ella went into her room, seeing as how she seemed to mostly take over N's introverted personality. This left Tessa and N alone in the kitchen, the house was quiet.

"What do we do now?" Tessa asked her husband, who only looked at her with a weak smile.

"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have Ella for a few more years, but now we can focus on us again a little bit more." He reminded her, making her nod.

"I really don't know what I would have done that day, N." She spoke, he seemed to perk his head up.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...if we never would have left that manner. We would have never had this, our children..." She trailed off, N lifted her chin and gave her a soft peck, reminding her of back when they were younger. The picnic memory seemed to be her most favorite one.

"But we're here now, Alex our son, he's in college and he's happy. Ella, she's happy too, I can tell. It'll be alright love, I promise."

With that, they began to cook dinner together, resuming their normal routine. Their daughter had come out of her room and began to do some schoolwork at the dinner table. The sun was setting, crisp fall air setting in, and Tessa looked out their sliding glass door into the neighborhood they now lived in. She smiled, the memories coming back to her.

They were nostalgic, her and N running around laughing. When they first approached the dorms and Sam, how excitement and adrenaline boomed in their chests. They made a life for themselves. She made a life with the person she loves, plus two little ones to go with it. Something she would never forget.

Running away with him was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Word Count: 805 words.

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