Camping Trip Pt. 2

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Nervously, N's shaking hand unbuttoned his coat slightly, and his erection sprang up almost immediately. Keeping the image of the tired but excited Uzi on his visor, he quickly made sure to get up and lock the door before anyone barged in, then headed back to the bed where he sat himself up against the wall upright. N slowly gripped his member, hissing at the pleasure he received from it, and started to stroke slowly. He paid attention to every curve on Uzi's body. He knew it was wrong, he knew it was messed up, but this cycle feature was really doing a number on him. His gaze landed on the small amount of cleavage Uzi's black crop top was giving off to him, while N knew that against other girls, Uzi was not as big-chested as the others, but good god, there was just something about her, it fit her. Her body to him was perfect in every way, shape, form. Her style went well with her personality, and N wouldn't prefer anyone else. He silently thanked V, blushing and panting as he continued stroking himself.

N will admit, it was a strange sensation, a feeling he has never been able to express before, but good god it felt good. Suddenly, a message popped up on his visor: Pleasure detected, initiating fantasy mode... Fantasy mode? N assumed it was an addition to the cycle that was updated into him, but the next thing he knew, he could see himself from his view in Uzi's bedroom, while the purple drone was under him on the bed. He continued thrusting into her, looking at her face in ecstasy as her bare chest jiggled to the rhythm of his thrusts. N suddenly felt a wave of heat wash through him as he stoked himself faster.

"Uzi..Uzi..Uzi..ughn..." N whimpered, he felt some kind of pressure below, until suddenly a bundle of nerves collapsed and he came into his hand. He had to register what just happened as his visor went back to normal, and he saw the white substance on his hand. N laid back for a second to wash in the bliss that he was in, suddenly he felt lighter, and it seems that for now, the heat cycle feature was going to leave him alone.

"V! What are you saying? Are you crazy? I can-" Uzi was interrupted by V who came to visit her and let her know of the news about N, to which she hoped that picture she secretly took of Uzi was serving him well.

"Listen purple thing, just confess already. I think the answer you get will be more than you expected." V finished her thoughts and Uzi stepped back, she crossed her arms and looked at the female drone in an unsure manner.

"What do you mean? What are you not telling me V? And how come your going in this trip to? How did you convince them to do that?" Uzi bombarded V with questions, to which the murder drone sighed in an annoyed way. This was starting to become a headache.

"Okay first, Lizzy and I got together so she invited me, that's why I'm going. I can be like a wing woman of sorts if you have any questions, and secondly, I just think you two need to get together already." This shocked Uzi to hear that V and Lizzy got together, but that means her thoughts from earlier were wrong. V and N were not together. So what was bothering him?

"Wait...get together already? D-Does that mean-!" Uzi's optics widened as she finally pieced together that N liked her as well. V giggled a little but decided to not completely be a snitch.

"I dunno, I guess you'll have to find out on the trip!" V started full on laughing until Uzi chased her around demanding to know more, however V was able to escape up the vent from her room.

After what seemed like forever, everyone was in the classroom the next morning with their bags, ready to be gone for a week. Uzi saw V and Lizzy standing around. V made eye contact with Uzi and gave her a thumbs up. Uzi replied with a small smile but was still nervous as hell. If what V said was true, and N did like her back, then that means they could become official...maybe even get a little intimate? Wait no, that was still a far ways ahead. Though Uzi decided if that were to happen, she wouldn't mind. She would be a little nervous though, since she was a virgin, she'll never admit it aloud, but the idea of N taking her was both exciting and nerve wrecking. She wondered if he would be gentle like he always has been, or if he would have a little surprise to his intimate side.

"Uzi!" A voice shouted, quickly, Uzi snapped back to the real world. Speak of the devil, N came running up towards her and lifted her up into a big hug. Which surprised both her and him, considering he hadn't really been affectionate all week. When he was done, he put her back down and Uzi swore he looked a little different. There was something about his visor.

"Hey N! Ready for the trip? I'm glad you were able to come. I didn't know if you were busy." The purple drone tried to make conversation, but little blush lined started to appear on her face for a second.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry about the past week. I was trying to restock and all that, I normally have to do that every couple of months, it's how I hunt. Heh..." This was actually true, conveniently, the cycle thing started when N went looking for oil, so he tried to use that to distract himself. Look where that got him.

"It's okay, I understand. Wanna sit next to me on the bus?" Uzi asked, to which N agreed and they went to go take their seats around the back of the bus while everyone was more towards the front. In Uzi's head, she was glad to know he wasn't avoiding her, and honestly, she was just content being there with him, it seemed like all the stress that had been building over the past week melted away, and she was ready to just spend some time with N.

In N's mind however, he had a lot of different things running through his mind. He thought back to what V said back in the pod, about how Uzi thought he was ignoring her. He felt bad about it, but he didn't want to end up pouncing on her. After N released getting himself off to Uzi, everything seemed fine. He packed, stored some extra oil for him and her considering Uzi still needed oil from time to time, and went to bed. When he saw her this morning though, he couldn't help but go and lift her up and hug her. The physical affection felt different, he didn't want to let go. He felt content when he hugged Uzi, but he was still nervous about confessing, so he put her down and decided to just be content sitting next to her on the bus for now. Unfortunately, the heat didn't leave him alone long enough once Uzi made a comment.

"Hey, how fun would it be to scare the shit out of some people and pretend to attack them with my solver form? Heh, I bet some of those arrogant assholes would shit themselves!" Uzi whispered and laughed in her little gremlin voice. N laughed and shook his head.

"Uzi! No murder! Especially for fun!" N did a sarcastic small little lecture, pretending to look like an annoyed parent, to which Uzi snickered and played along.


"You heard me young lady!"

"Fine!" Uzi gave in laughing and bumping N's side a little while stretching the last part of her sentence.

The two drone's laughed, N thought about Uzi's solver form for a split second. How her wings and tail look different, but how good they looked on her, how to see if they were to pop out and arch if he were taking her right then and there-wait what?

That seemed to be all it took before N started to feel the familiar heat again and he knew he would be able to just barely make it to camp. In some lucky sense though, he was able to make it to camp thanks by being distracted by Uzi talking about her next version of railgun blueprints, but also distracted by the way her body moved. Good god if he could take her right then and there he would. This time though, the heat seemed more intense, and while N thought he could last, now he wasn't so sure. Once they got off the bus, N excused himself away for a second, making something up like how he think he left something here the last time, and tried to do what he did yesterday. He had found a hoard of trees he could hide up in and he began to try and stroke himself to see if that would help. He had the image of Uzi V had sent him, and while he felt bad, he pulled it up on his visor to help him out.

N repeatedly moaned and whimpered Uzi's name, begging for her to allow him to take her and do things. He felt close, really close to succumbing to pleasure, until-


Word Count: 1590 words.

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