When We Met Pt. 2

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A/N: Requests are still open, if you want to see a ship and/or idea written out, just request it in the first chapter of this book, anyways, enjoy the fic!

Nori looked at herself in the mirror in her little dorm inside of the bunker that was assigned to her. She had gotten a little dressed up for her and Khan's date later that evening. She wore a small little black dress fitting her physique nicely, and switched up her small ponytail on the side tied with a tiny purple metal flower Yeva had made her as a good luck gift. She appreciated Yeva so much, the two were practically like sisters. If kids were a possibility one day, she hoped her and Yeva's kid would be the best of friends.

Suddenly, Nori felt something weird happening with her visor, and she looked in the mirror again to find the solver symbol covering one of them. She gasped. Wha-no! No! No! No! Go away robo-satan!

As she touched the eye on her visor, there was a loud ringing in her audio sensors before the mirror cracked. Well, shit. She sighed and covered the mirror with a black blanket. She made a mental note to talk it over with Yeva later, but for now she just wanted to enjoy spending her time with Khan. With that thought in mind, Nori headed out and went to meet her little lover on the outside of the colony's bunker.

"Ah! Nori, there you are!" Khan spoke as he saw her exit the colony. He stopped in his tracks when walking over to her when he saw her. She looked absolutely stunning in Khan's eyes. He knew that even though with the standard unit worker drone she had, she was different. A good different. He had never felt this way before, and he was so glad to be able to have that freedom from the humans to experience this.

"Hey Khan~!" Nori greeted him and smirked, she had him practically wrapped around her finger, but she saw him as something more than a plaything.

After a small conversation, the two workers went a little ways outside of the colony, where Khan lead her over to a small little frozen lake. The sight was beautiful to Nori. She gasped when she saw the scenery. The lake was completely frozen over to where warm water used to flow, the moonlight reflected across the ice, and there was barely any snow drifting, causing a large galaxy of stars to appear. He wasn't kidding, this really is quite the sight!

"Khan...this is beautiful. Nori said and looked into his optics, to which when she turned her head to look at him, her visor blushed to find he was looking at her the whole time.

"Yes, you really are." He said with a smirk, and Nori let out a small giggle. They sat down on a small blanket Khan brought with them to set on top of the snow. The two workers sat together and held hands for the little while, just enjoying one another's company.

Nori then decided to make a small move and snuggle herself closer to Khan, looking up at him. Khan gazed into her visor, looking down at her. The two workers closed their optics, and connected their lips together, ending the night on a peaceful note.

As the year passed, Khan and Nori found themselves to be more in love with each other by the day. It seemed like nothing would be able to tear them apart. A couple of months into their relationship, they decided to move in with one another, which excited Nori to her core. Khan discovered her little gothic and edgy style she had, to which he grew to love and appreciate. However, this did tend to come with consequences. Nori started to slightly have visions. Visions of sky demons. They will attack us sooner or later...the company won't let us have this much freedom for much longer.

"Khan, can we talk hun?" Nori asked, coming out of their bedroom and into the living room where Khan was sat down in front of a TV, playing reruns of anime, something Nori had sucked him into watching with her from time to time. It was sweet he got caught up in one on his own free time. This made the female worker smile a little.

"Sure! What's going on?" Khan replied, and Nori sat next to him on the couch. She looked worried, and Khan felt something turn in his stomach.

"I...had another one of my visions, but I saw something this time, something we can use to protect ourselves with." Nori spoke with a small little tone of confidence in her voice, Khan once again exchanged a worried glance to her, but nodded at her, telling her to go on. "Doors!"

"Wait, what? Nori, honey, I don't think wooden doors will stop a sky demon. Even then, the bunker's entrance is too big." Khan said to his lover, over the months she started some crazed ramblings and even had a small little corner murder wall in their bedroom about it. The female worker only giggled.

"No silly! Automated doors! Made from a harder material we can use. We have the workers and programmers to do it! It will only take a couple of months to finalize everything if we do! Come on! I made some blueprints!" Nori spoke, as she led him over to a table she sat at earlier that morning. So that's what she was so focused on drawing earlier...

Khan looked at the blueprints and was impressed, there was something about her idea he grew attached to. He loved building things, but something she wanted him to build for her, for the colony. He loved it, and he loved her. So, grabbing her hand while in the middle of her explanation, making her stop to look at him, he asked only one question.

"Nori, will you marry me?"

A couple of months of prepping the automated doors and wedding planning later, Nori was walking down the isle in a beautiful laced black wedding dress. This was recognized as the first wedding workers could have, opening up new pathways in others relationships. The two really were an item to the entire colony, seeing them as their leaders, their friends, and much more to one another. Nori stepped up to the alter where her and Khan couldn't keep their eyes off of one another.

"Khan Doorman, do you wish to take Miss Nori as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Khan said, smiling, not taking his optics off of Nori for a second.

"And do you Miss Nori, take Khan Doorman to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!" Nori said while nodding, she was trying hard not to cry, and Khan chuckled a little at her excitement.

"Then by the power vested in me and Copper-9, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."

Khan and Nori connected one another's lips, and looked into each other's optics for the first time as closer lovers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Doorman!" The crowd cheered on as the new wedded couple ran down the isle with one another, and headed to their reception where they danced and danced. This was certainly a new predicament; one Nori would grow to forever save into her memories.

Married life was somewhat the same as their old lives, how they used to be, Nori would always blush whenever someone referred to her as Mrs. Doorman, Yeva even teased her about it countless times. But she wouldn't have it any other way. She was glad she met Khan, glad she had fallen in that hole after the explosion, but the visions, the nightmares, he was the only one getting her through it. Sometimes the nights would be sleepless, and Khan would still stay up with her, hugging and comforting her.

He could choose to go to sleep, he could have chosen anyone else, but he chose her. Nori glanced at the ring that was now on her finger. Nori felt almost complete. ALMOST. It had been a couple of months, so she figured it was time to ask for something else from Khan. Something that would make them whole.

"Khan, dear?" Nori asked, leaning her arms around his neck from behind, giving him a hug, kissing his neck lightly.

"Yes, Nori? What did you need honey?" Khan asked, putting a hand on her arm and his visor blushing from the neck kisses. He enjoyed the moment until-

"I want a baby."

Word Count: 1441 words.  

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