Doll's Epiphany

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A/N: A request from @BrianGeller Doll x N.  As always to many of you, requests are still open, so if there is an idea or one-shot you would like to see then please request it in the first chapter of this book.  Enjoy the fic fellow readers!

Doll's plans have been completely ruined tonight. She thought Lizzy was her friend, but because that damn female murder drone hung out with her so much underneath of Doll's nose, Lizzy started to have second thoughts about killing V. The murderer of her parents. Doll remembered those days, her mother and father were full of love, something Doll knew she would never experience again. First her parents love was taken away, Lizzy's friendship and trust were taken away, and now, something as small as wanting revenge was taken away. Doll lost everything. She had no one else in the colony, and to make matters worse, she found out Uzi was just like her.

Doll thought about that specific detail a little more. After all that hardship, she believed she went through more than Uzi did, half of her life having to raise herself, Uzi had her father at least. Yet, she still somehow found people to stick with, even if they were murder drones. Especially N, seeing them dance around her antics from the previous fight seemed to put a dwell on her heart. She only wanted to kill V, not N. N was someone Doll observed for a little while during his time in the colony. He seemed nice, comforting, someone to depend and rely on. But alas, Doll simply shook the thought from her head, no one could ever love her romantically. Not with the stupid solver. Even then, Doll wasn't sure she would ever find someone, it didn't seem like it would be something to happen for her.

About a week had passed since then and Doll went into hiding outside of the colony. No one batted an eye from what she had seen in the vents, and Lizzy started to hang out with V more. She just kept taking everything. However, Doll was curious about Uzi, and decided to take a look into her apartment room to see how she was doing, and came across the purple worker, but also the tall male murder drone. Doll's visor lightly blushed. No! Focus on the mission! If Uzi can get that key bug from the Cabin Fever Labs then I can continue what I started!

"N! There's some evidence leading back to those labs in the forest not to far from here. I wonder if I can convince my teacher for a field trip or something..." Uzi inquired to N, sitting in her desk, while the male drone sat on the bed.

"Most likely Uzi! I mean, if the things we found from Doll's place are true, most likely whatever that eye of yours and hers is will be something in those labs." N trailed off a little. He thought about Doll. He felt kind of bad for her, she seemed like she was nice, but never really interacted with others much.

He remembered V talking about it back in the pod a little while back. Something about "trying to fit in to survive", and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Doll's parents died when she was somewhat young, in order to support herself physically and emotionally, investing in the popular clique would give off less attention, but just enough for Doll to feel involved and create certain networks of relationships. In a way, N was like that too, it took him awhile but he tried to fit in with V and J at the time before they met Uzi. He understood.

Suddenly, N heard a small sound come from the vent, and saw a small little red light. Doll seemed to have flinched when he saw her and quickly made her escape. N lightly blushed at the confrontation, but decided not to go after her or say anything to Uzi. Although, the purple worker noticed his blush lines on his visor and made an inquiry.

"N, do you like Doll by chance?" Uzi's smirk widened and N's visor seemed to glow even more yellow.

"Wha-I uh! I don't know! What about you and V hmm?" N tried to change the subject, making Uzi blush and push him out of her room. The male murder drone just chuckled and made his way out. However, he did see Doll heading out of the vents, if he left for the outside of the colony now, then he may be able to catch Doll and talk to her. Make sure she's okay at least.

With that thought in mind, N headed to the outside and just like he thought, he saw Doll running for the small little forest not to far away from there. Not the Cabin Fever Labs forest, but small enough to where Doll had built a small shelter that she could use for the time being. However, she had felt a big thud behind her and turned around to spot the male murder drone just staring down at her.

"You're here to kill me, yes?" Doll asked, raising her solver hand. She didn't want to kill N, she didn't have anything against him or anything, but if he insisted getting in her way and taking orders from Uzi, he was just like everyone else. For some reason, Doll felt that pain in her core again.

"No. I wanted to see if you were okay after the prom incident." N simply stated. This caught Doll slightly off-guard, she turned her solver hand away from him, and gazed into his optics. He simply walked towards her a little more as she tried to step back, but she was pinned against the wall of the shelter she had built.

"Why? I tried to kill you! You are like the rest of them!" Doll raised her voice a little, all she knew was how to defend. She never knew how to engage.

"I can't really explain if I am like the rest, but I don't want to hurt you. Please, Doll." N said and lifted her chin up a little looking at him, her visor started to blush. "I just, want to know if you're okay. I care for others, but for some reason, you seem different in a way I don't understand. The last time I felt like this, it was back at the manner."


"I used to be a worker drone like you, I served for humans, but now I hunt what I used to be. I thought I had to follow the others to survive in this world. I thought that if I did that, then I could be recognized, appreciated. But it didn't turn out that way, I just ended up being a pawn in someone else's game. You understand where I'm coming from, don't you? If you continue like this Doll, there won't be a pleasant ending for you." N said with sincerity in his core, and Doll fell to her knees. She started to cry.

"I-It's to late for me. I've lost everything and I'm too deep into it now. I need to finish what I started, I need to-" N cut Doll off and cupped her face, their visors meeting.

"Who said it was ever too late for you? It's never to late to change a path. Help us, I want you with us Doll, with me." Doll's optics widened as N finished his words. She looked deeper into his face and realized for once, she saw him. She saw N. He was tired, but could see the effort in his optics.

"With you? What do you mean by that?" Doll inquired, she was hoping it meant what she was thinking, but N was so close with Uzi she couldn't tell. All of those thoughts were proved wrong when N made a soft, small peck on her lips. For once Doll's body felt light, it was a brief moment, but she felt safe.

"I like you Doll, I want to get to know you. The person you really are. You've been so focused on other things that you don't take care of yourself, and if you keep doing that, you'll just end up hurting yourself like when prom happened." N fell back a little as Doll made the random gesture of jumping into his arms, she felt like she was in a dream. There was no way this was real. But even if just for a minute, she didn't mind this playing out.

"I may like you too. I don't communicate my emotions very well."

"That's okay, we can work on that. Actually, let's work on it a little now~." N's tone changed and with Doll in his lap, he lightly tilted her head and placed light kisses on her neck. Doll froze for a second before leaning into his touch. N moved his hands to be rubbing up and down her sides, while Doll clung to him submissively. His touch, kiss, even the way he moved, it felt good. It didn't hurt.

"Aughn!" Doll moaned a little when N hit a certain spot on her metal neck near her collar bone, and once he heard her moan he bent down a little more attacking her neck even more. N wrapped his tail around Doll's waist and pulled a little, spurting another moan out of Doll. She closed her optics and enjoyed N's attention.

Doll whined a little and pushed N's head up with her own to meet his optics, understanding what she wanted, N smirked a little, a fang poking out before connecting his lips with Doll's. N ran his tongue on Doll's bottom lip, which startled the red worker a little considering she didn't have any experience with that, but she lightly opened her mouth for N and he slid his tongue in.
Doll followed his moves and before she knew it, they were in a full blown make out session before N pulled away slightly. He cupped Doll's cheek with his hand and smiled at her. Doll made another small attempt of a smile, to which N just chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Baby steps, together?"

Word Count: 1707 words.

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