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A/N: Suggestion from @RandomXaviar V x N angst.  Hope your friend likes this one!  Anyways, if you guys have a ship/idea you'd like to see written out please comment it in the first chapter of this book and I'll get back to you.  I appreciate everyone's patience and you guys are awesome!  Little bit of a TRIGGER warning, depression, not so happy thoughts, but nothing is being directly attempted so I think it's okay.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Useless, Synergistic Liability, Failure ...I'm all of those things...aren't I?

N's thoughts were whirling around. He was currently sulking in his bedroom in the pod, he hadn't come out for a week, not ever since his leader J finally let him have her rage. About a week ago, N was currently hunting, he had found a decently sized group of workers to attack, which in doing so, he succeeded for the most part.

J was flying around checking in with her teammates progress and saw N feasting upon the group he'd found. J wasn't impressed though, to her, he could do better. She was even watching when the idiot didn't count the number of workers there were, only to witness one getting away, and attacking him from the behind, hacking an axe at his wings. He screamed in pain and turned around, but the worker was as a good as dead within the next minute. N's wings soon regenerated, and he sighed in relief.

"The fuck was that?!" J shouted at him, flying down to become visor-to-visor with him.

"J! Uh-!" N tried to speak, but she pushed him down into the snow.

"You useless, good for nothing, defective murder drone! You can't do anything right! You even let a worker take your wings down, how pathetic is that?" J continued to shout at him, but what caught his attention was when she stopped in her tracks, and lifted her foot, lightly placing it on his core, making him feel pressure from the cold ground beneath him, the robotic leg threatening to destroy him at any second.

"If it weren't for the company, I'd kill you. Hell, I doubt they'd notice you were even gone, considering V and I fill the quota per month just fine. But still. Better to be safe than sorry I guess." The female murder drone took her leg off of him, flying back into the air by a few feet before looking at him again. He was scared, optics hollowed in shock by her words. "You stay out of our business from now on. You will only hunt when asked to, and you'll stay in the pod. Do you understand me?" J asked, a cold expression on her visor. One N was not tempted to fuck around with. He looked down in shame.



"Yes ma'am."

"Good, run along now." J said, and N flew back to the pod under her orders. Her words stayed in his head, and he had fallen into a depression. He hadn't left the quarters all week due to the order, seems like J forgot about him, and was willing to let him overheat.

So that was her plan? Let me overheat and die, act like it was an accident of some kind. Go figures...I'm just useless anyway.

The male murder drone could feel his body heating up by every passing minute, until his systems initiated a shutdown sequence, sighing in content that maybe, just maybe, it was some kind of escape.

He was woken up however by the taste of oil in his mouth and another female murder drone over him, crying.

"N? N! Wake up!" V begged him, and his visor turned back on.

"V-V? What happ-!" N tried to ask but she cut him off, attacking him with a hug.

"Thank robo-god you're okay! I'm so sorry, I didn't know J sent you in here to overheat, I hadn't seen you and...and...I thought you were gone!" She tried to explain in a panicked state, something the male murder drone had never seen before. His hand cupped her cheek, and he smiled at her.

I could never be mad at her...

"Thank you, V. But J was right. You should just let me overheat." N spoke sadly. His words made V's optics hollow in shock.


"J was right. I'm just a liability, I can't even attack workers correctly. I'm a failure, a defective drone, a-"

"NO! No, you're not N! Never say that again! You're not a failure, or pathetic or useless or whatever else J called you!" V shouted at him, making his visor contort in a confused expression, some tears leaking out. "You're smart, brave, funny, and just...amazing N. I wish I had your CPU." The female murder drone chuckled at her own words. She heard N sniffling.

"I-I don't understand." N replied, V hugged him as he buried his head in her chest, hugging her back. It was true, ever since N woke up in the pod, nothing seemed right, but V while on the defensive, knew how to help him.

"It'll be okay N, I'm here for you, okay? And...I love you. I won't stand to see you get hurt." V remarked, lifting his chin, and shyly connecting their lips for a split second. N slowly began to kiss back, after a few minutes they pulled away. "I love you N, for who you are as you are. Nothing will ever change that."

"I love you too, V." N smiled; he knew it would be a bit of a recovery in his mind, but was willing to try for her. For HIS V.

Word Count: 954 words.

P.S., to the person who requested this, apologies if it's a little short, if you want a part two or would like to make another request that's fine too.

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