Second Chance Pt. 1

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A/n: Request from @BrianGeller Doll X N.  This is one of four parts.  Thank you all for being so patient with requests.  Anyways, enjoy the fic!

He panted heavily; his body practically ripped to bits. He was still active, meanwhile Doll had managed to knock Uzi out and put V offline only for a little while. He saw her dressed up prom boots approach him, then squat down to his severed torso height. Doll looked at him with a smirk on her face, it was almost terrifying to N. She seemed...inhumane. His mind going all over the place, nothing went to plan at all, not to mention it seemed like she would get away with what she wanted if he couldn't heal fast enough.

That was until she grabbed his lower torso and helped reattach it to his body, completing his healing process. N and Doll exchanged no words, the male murder drone slowly standing up, Doll doing the same. She then held out a hand.

"Why don't you join me, N?" The red worker asked him.

"And why would I do that?" He spoke rather harshly, making Doll flinch and pull her hand back. However, she figured he'd reject the first time.

"Think about it, what have they done for you N? How have they treated you?" She asked him, N glanced between the purple worker and female murder drone, both were still unconscious, but would probably reawaken at any moment.

It was true though, Uzi hadn't treated him well, seeing him as some kind of monster after seeing J's Eldridge form. She ignored him for about a month, only agreeing to partner back up with him once she found out V was going to attack the colony, and speaking of V, it's not like the female murder drone was any better. She never defended for him against J, never helped him out with hunting, never even bothering to take a glance in his direction until he was in trouble. To both of them, he was just a convenient option. He shook his head.

"You're wrong...they..." The male murder drone tried to defend himself, but his thoughts trailed off. The red worker sighed in frustration, combing a hand through her tangled hair.

"They don't treat you right N. I've seen how that leader of yours treated you, in a way, Uzi's the same only a worker now. Commanding you like a lost puppy. And V? Well," Doll scoffed, "V's just a lost cause."

"And why would you be any different?! Uzi is great when taking leadership into a situation! She just..." N took a step back, his words wouldn't come out properly, Doll placed a hand on her hip.

"Uzi is just like J, N. Maybe the reason you still see her in that way is because you're desperate for love and affection. Attention. Something you never got, not to mention someone caring for and about you. But what has she done to show you that other than ignore you for the whole month until she needed you?"

" that so...that's cruel." The male murder drone began to leak digital tears through his visor. Doll was right in every sense of the word. He tried so hard to get attention with J only for it to end in failure. He attempted to love and cherish V, try to shower her with love and affection, but never received anything in return. And Uzi? She never even bothered. Doll was right. He was desperate for love, care, affection, and more, but it was something he would never get. That seemed apparent at this point. She held out her hand again.

"I will admit it'll take some time, but I'm willing to work with you. I'll try to show you I care, I'm not good with emotions, but my motives are the same. I need to find out what's wrong with me." The red worker proposed. N looked to Uzi, then V, their systems beginning to restart. They'd be awake any minute now.

Can I trust her? What if she does the same thing as them? What if she just tosses me to the side? What if-

"N? N! Get your lazy ass out of the cloud and help me damn it!" V screeched at him, her systems seem to return to normal and now she was trying to reattach her limbs. N looked at her hatred in her visor, he then made his decision and turned to Doll. He had seen Uzi woke up as well, but she didn't dare to get up. The purple worker looked at him questioningly before N gave her a hard stare, then looked to the red worker once more. He took her hand.

Both V and Uzi sat there shocked at his decision. Doll just nodded in understanding and used her teleporting command to transfer them both back to her place in the apartment dorms. Letting go of his hand, N looked down at the ground. The smell of oil reeked throughout the whole place, but it was essentially just like the corpse spire, not really bothering him.

"Are you alright?" She asked the male murder drone. He didn't respond and continued to look at the ground. She pulled a chair from the table and made him sit down in it. She then stood in front of him and pat his head. He flinched a little from the attention at first, but started to sob at the gentle feeling of Doll's hand.

The red worker felt bad for N. He never got the attention he deserved, and she began to see just how bad they had treated him. While she wasn't sure about trusting a murder drone, something about N felt different. She wanted to help him in every way she could if possible.

"Doll?" N asked her, to which she only hummed in response, tilting her head. He surprised her when gripping her waist and hugging her tightly. His sniffling got a little louder. "Are you going to be like them? Am I just an option to you? A convenience for the time being?"

Why does that question make my core hurt? To be honest...I don't know why I want to help him. I just do.

"I want to help you N. And I want you to help me. Sometimes we need to switch partners to get what we want. You're not just a convenience, you're more than that. I'm not sure where to go from here, or the answer you want, but I promise to treat you better than they did if that's worth anything." She promised, that was the answer he seemed to need though, as for the next thing she knew, he started to sob even harder into her.

He was relieved to finally find someone that may care for him. He made the right choice. He got a second chance, and he wasn't going to waste it.

Word Count: 1147 words.

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