Insults Pt. 1

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Request from @DollIsTheBest J x Doll.  This is part one of two, enjoy!

Uzi's door slammed in Doll's face after handing over the keybug, after exchanging some words with the purple worker's good-for-nothing father she began to make her way towards the frozen lake, where a certain pain in the ass pigtailed murder drone was waiting for the Russian worker. As she walked, Doll became lost in thought.

Anger took over her, rage at the murder drones for ruining their lives. They killed her family, took her home, forced to live in a bunker for solitude. They weren't living anymore, they were just surviving, not living up to their full potential.

Just a bunch of sitting ducks.

She sighed, looking at the scared keybug in her hands, sending angry little messages at her.

Mom, dad, I hope there's an afterlife with you, I don't think I'll be living in this world much longer.

Doll doubted J wasn't going to kill her, knowing the pigtailed murder drone, she was going to get the keybug, then have a little snack. Murder drones couldn't be trusted, the fact she was taking this chance to get into the labs was already a difficult enough task, swallowing her prideful ego in the process.

"About time! You sentient toasters are so slow I swear." J's voice came through, slashing into Doll's CPU like a knife. Looking up, the red worker's visor blushed. J was a lot more...curvy than Doll remembered. Although, to be fair, she hadn't seen her ever since they were about to kill Thad, so that checks out. The closer she looked, the more her robotic body began to feel warm, her core heating up. J's hair, shining and straight as ever, kept in a corporate fashion, her bodycon office dress showing no wrinkles, wrapped around her hourglass figure, breasts threatening to pop through her yellow polo shirt any second. Her legs, the new robotic model still so new and clean-

No Doll! Snap out of it! They literally are the reason we live in the bunker!

Shaking off her thoughts, the red worker threw the keybug towards J who caught it with ease.

"You know the deal; you take me with you." She reminded the female murder drone, who only rolled her optics.

"Whatever, you solver freaks are so bitchy." J remarked, Doll's optics hollowed, the anger symbol loading onto the corner of her forehead.

"You're one to talk, you murder drones are the reason we're like this in the first place!"

"Hey! Don't blame us! The company is the one in control you know."

"Yeah, and yet here you are, blindly following orders like a bunch of lost puppies." Doll said while crossing her arms. She saw J huff in anger, making her smirk. However, there was something else that caught Doll's attention.

She noticed how J had moved closer to the Russian worker, body squirming almost as if she was enjoying the insults, and even a light little yellow blush on her visor. Was J...getting off to this?

J on the other hand, was both pissed off at doll for insulting not only her, but also the company, and a little hot and bothered by the Russian worker's hot temper. It was too much for J to bare, being touch starved, she craved any sort of affection, she never thought being called a lost puppy could get her so wet. This new model of hers was still working out light glitches, but she didn't think this feeling was one of them. In an attempt to shut the worker up, J pounced on her, pinning her in the snow.

"Hey! Get off of me! We had a deal!" Doll screamed, thrashing about. However, the more she thrashed, the harder J panted, lifting her hand up, she retracted her robotic hand, switching it out for a claw. J smiled a ruthless, merciless smile, visor flickering in confusion.

It's useless...I should have known I was going to get killed anyways....

Doll stopped thrashing, and looked at J. If she was going to die, she wasn't going to give the pigtailed murder drone the time of day to see her suffer. However, J noticed this and her face, sighing in defeat as she got rid of her claw, and instead crashing her lips onto the Russian worker's. She gasped in surprise, allowing for J's tongue to slither into her own wet caverns. She should have known it was wrong, she should have known to stop it right then and there, but Doll wrapped her arms around J's back.

Doll herself had been touch-starved, but the thought of the situation caught up to her, so she only could submit to J's thoughts. They fought for dominance, however the female murder drone easily won by running a hand up Doll's back, making her shiver in delight. J then hoisted Doll up, breaking their kiss, a strand of saliva between them.

"This changes nothing." J spoke, and Doll nodded.

"Absolutely not, I still hate you for the record."

"Same," J looked to a cabin not to far away, and looked back at Doll. "You want to continue or should we stop here?"

"Are you serious? Just...let's go inside, I'm too turned on now." Doll reconnected their lips, a moan slipping out of her mouth. J quickly sped into the cabin, Doll shutting the door with her solver behind them.

Word Count: 889 words.

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