Uzi Angst

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A/N: So this isn't a request but a random wave of inspiration I got.  It is sad but it gets happier at the end.  I linked a song above I think would be a good fit to listen to while reading it.  I also provided this chapter through a First Point of View perspective, so we will see how that goes.  It was just something I wanted to experiment with.  It's so crazy that we are already at 100 chapters in this book, and I look forward to writing more and more of your guys requests.  Thank you so much for everyone's support!  So without further ado, please enjoy the fic!

Laying on my back while slipping off into a power out mode inside of my systems hearing N and V calling out for me couldn't hurt anymore than it already did. I tried to wake up, tried to reboot my systems, but they wouldn't let me. I could feel an overwhelming sensation overtake me; something was wrong. Very wrong.

I thought back to N, his fluffy hair, whipping around while being silly, I acted like I was annoyed, while in reality every time he did so I wanted to just jump up and kiss his adorable digital face. And V? Well, we don't like each other all that much but we have a mutual understanding to protect one another and N. After all, she loved him first. That's something I can never forget.

My core hurts, it pains me to say my time is running out, but the burning sensation coursing through me can't be stopped, it feels as if perhaps the core I swallowed, Cyn's core to be more exact, was just another way for her to obtain a vessel. I internally sighed at my demise. In trying to save everyone I cost myself.

Like some kind of heroine in a story. Just like the kind of stories N would read from time to time when he wasn't looking at golden retriever books.

I started to feel something slithering onto me, it was the solver, trying to take me somewhere, but for some reason it couldn't. I could feel my network spreading around, it felt like my eyes were everywhere now. And just a few feet away I could see my robotic body, wings and tentacles shooting out of it. I looked up and found myself in a pit. I couldn't see N or V anywhere in sight. I don't know how long it had been, and I don't even know if they bothered to go looking around for me or try to save everyone back in the colony.

The only thing I knew now was that I was a lost cause. Just trying to serve my purpose in defeating Cyn. But all I felt like I did was try to act as a decoy. I don't feel like I did anything to help them. If I had a visor, I'd start leaking digital tears even if I don't want to admit it.

I'm scared. I don't want to be alone if I go. If it really is my time, I want to be with people I love. People like N. Hell, even mom and her weird core form would be fine. I just don't want to be alone. But on the other hand, maybe its for the best. I wouldn't have to see them cry, see them grieve. They could move one. Maybe N and V could rekindle what was so helplessly burned when they worked back at the creepy mansion when they were workers.

"Uzi? Biscuit?! Uzi! V come here I found her!" I heard N's familiar voice scream out. Looking up once again I saw his muscular robotic build fly down to my body, almost like an angel itself coming to retrieve me.

If I had a face, I would have smiled in relief that I could at least see him one last time if it really was time for me to go. I saw him hold me up, breaking any kind of binds I was in from the eldritch limbs. A fatal error message was spread across my visor. At the same time though I was angry that N found me, if I were to go then I'd see his face like it is now. Optics hollowed in shock, tears beginning to spill out. V said something to him, and he took my body, flying out of the pit.

I watched them leave with my empty husk. And it hurt. I wanted to call out to N that I was right here, but alas, it felt hopeless. I could never return. With a heavy heart, I asked my conscious to sleep, even if just for a little bit. Let me feel some kind of peace, slipping away into nothingness.





"UZI!" N yelled as I slowly began open my optics.

I was back in my body?

I felt N's tight embrace, and I couldn't help but laugh weekly and hug back. He started crying once again as I began to do the same. My head peaked over his shoulder, I saw V in the doorway, realizing I was in one of the clinic rooms, back inside of the colony She smiled at me, I swore I even saw a small tear roll down her face. She nodded at me, I did so back. We didn't need to converse with one another to understand each other.

Glad you're back purple thing.

Likewise, V.

" is this possible?" I asked him, before he could answer though my mom and dad came strolling in. She was still in her weird core form but jumped onto me breaking N and I's hug.

"You and the solver have a network connection. We decided to try and hack into the network that was there to see if we could extract you from it. We didn't think it would work!" My mom spouted proudly. She crawled off of me and went to the edge of the bed. I noticed a yellow and purple hue coming off my visor, I had clashed with Cyn's network after all, I guess it made sense.

Looking around, everyone was happy. Cyn's network and the solver was finally gone now that I got extracted. It felt so surreal, an ending even I didn't expect. I didn't expect to be alive. To have made it this far. Like one of those video games where you play a run but have an already overwhelming sense you would fail the first time. Of course, respawning at checkmarks wasn't a thing here. Technically.

N noticed a change in my expression, my sadness but happiness. It was one of the attributes I loved about him. He could tell when I felt better or worse. He could tell when I did and didn't want to talk. Lifting my chin with his hand, he gave me a soft peck, startling me and everyone in the room. Feeling awkward everyone else but him and I left, just leaving us two in the room.

"I didn't think I'd survive." I told him, he gave me a pained smile.

"I know. I didn't think we could bring you back. I almost lost hope. I need you Biscuit, I don't know what I would do without you." He brought his metal forehead to mine, we stayed like that for who knows how long, engulfed in one another's embrace.

I'm not going to be the same, but N will be there to help me get over the pain. I'll move past this. Setbacks will happen, but at least now we didn't have to do it with an eldritch horror in the back of our minds, waiting for it to strike us. It was finally over.

We could be happy.

I could finally be happy with him.

I could finally just be happy, or learn to be, with myself.

Word Count: 1309 words.

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