A/N: Another one shot for the Greek god series! Loved your comments on my Hades one with Daniel. LisaStarWars I believe asked me to do something alike with Carlos and Hades, but I choose to use another god which each driver. Hope you like it and you can also request a part two! 🔥😏
"Want me to heat that up for you? Can't you ask the gods or just join the campfire?". Carlos joked and the little camper giggled, holding his marshmallow on a stick in front of him.
"I want you to do it!". The kid squealed. You smiled as you leaned your head on your hands. The camp dinner was just done and the most campers went back into their cabins.
Being a daughter of Zeus, you were practically always alone. You were one of the oldest campers around and just had the luck to be an offspring of 'The big three'. (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades)
As a Zeus' daughters you were powerful, the lightning was something you easily controlled and many were afraid of that. Also the label Zeus that you were connected to, made your fellow campers have a lot of respect for you.
You didn't see the other campers a lot, you had a friend in the Poseidon cabin but he was currently in the oceans to visit the kingdom of his father. Next to that you always went on quests alone.
Carlos smiled at the little kid and shook his palm, a small flame igniting. He softly heated the marshmallow till it was a bit brown. "Thank you!". The camper said and hopped away to his friends.
His brown eyes scanned the campers that were left and they met your sky bleu ones. Carlos had always been fascinated by you, but he was just a son of Hephaestus.
Your chest melted at his warm, brown eyes and you quietly thanked Hephaestus for making such a beautiful man. His dark hair was so gorgeous and looked so soft.
Carlos didn't take a long time to look at you as he remembered there was still some work for him to do. He was mainly in the forge of the camp, making weapons for the Ares cabin and of course for every other cabin that used specific weapons and defended the borders of the camp.
Carlos liked working on his own, his other brothers and sisters were more into testing the weapons and making them battle-ready.
Swords were his favorite weapons to make and he was secretly busy with making one for you. Even though he knew not one weapon in this world could be equal to your lightning bolt.
Shit. He was thinking about you again. God, he did that too much, he found himself staring into the fire with his hammer in his hand and the morphed steel in the other one, his thoughts on you.
Carlos shook his head, you were one of Zeus, like you'd ever have attention for him. He chuckled at himself and slammed the hammer down on on the steel to form it to a sword.
The sky was rumbling slightly and you looked up with a frown. Was there a problem?
You made a round at the borders of the camp, nothing was wrong. Maybe your father had an argument with Poseidon or something.
You were about to go to your own cabin as you saw the lights were still on in the forge. You went towards the little forge and knocked on the door.
Carlos looked up when someone knocked on the door. He motioned for the door to open and he raised his thick eyebrows when you stood behind it.
"Hi". Carlos said, smiling at you and putting his hammer down.
"Hi, I was just making a round at the borders and saw the lights were still on". You said, the lights were dimmed but the fire was burning brightly.
"Yeah, I like to work till the late hours". He said, motioning for the door to close as you slightly walked in. The air in the forge was hot due to the fire.
"What are you making?". You asked, truly interested in what he was doing.
"Ehm...". Carlos reached up to scratch the back of his head, surprised by your question. "I can show you". He said eventually and you came closer.
Your cheeks were heated by the warm fire he was working in front off. You swallowed at his flexing biceps and his bronzed skin.
"It's a sword". Carlos explained, sliding his fingers over the part that will become the blade. You didn't dare to touch the hot steel, which he easily could as the fire practically burned inside his body.
Maybe that explains why he was so hot.
"It's for you". Carlos softly said, laying the sword back down on the anvil and leaning against the table behind him.
"It-it is?". You stammered, touched by the gesture. He nodded, handing a sketch of the sword he had in mind and you gasped at how beautiful it was. At every part of the sword was how much it weighed, steel, any ornaments.
On the backside was a small drawing of you with what he guessed how much you weighed, for the perfect balance of it. On the leather grip was your sign, the lightning bolt.
"Do you like it?". Carlos asked, nibbling on his lower lip as you studied the drawing.
"I love it, really, Carlos. This is amazing. Your father would be proud at seeing this steelwork". You said with a smile, handing him back the paper.
"You're not here often". Carlos mentioned, looking down at you. "I'm not". You replied, and it was true.
"I like having you around me". He admitted, looking away for a bit. Carlos didn't know why, he didn't know you very good but he was just.. he was... he had a crush on you for so long.
"You're good company as well". You said, eyeing his tall form. You loved his dark eyes and you swore if you stared into them long enough you could see little flames.
You took a step back to look at the sword again and accidentally bumped into the table which caused you to jump. The electricity went out due to the volts in your body.
Carlos laughed and thought it was absolutely cute how flustered you look. "I can get them back on just...". You couldn't, because he was staring at you and got you nervous.
The son of Hephaestus came closer and opened his palm, a bright flame burning in front of your face.
You smiled and took his arm to watch the sword again. "Really looking forward to beat some assholes with this". You said, you were still really close to him but neither of you took a step back.
Carlos looked down at you, the flames softly lightened your face and he had always found you beautiful.
"These won't hurt you". He whispered and let the flames tickle your cheek. You giggled at the tingly feeling and you looked into his eyes as he placed his palm fully on your cheek.
Carlos leaned forward and you stepped ever closer to stand on your tippy toes to kiss him. His lips were full and warm, tangling in yours.
You giggled as he pulled you up onto the table, standing between your legs. He was actually such a good kisser and you couldn't get enough of the warm taste of his lips.
Carlos wanted nothing more than make hot love to you and softly entwined his fingers with yours, goosebumps rising as he got a small electric shock.
"We shouldn't...". You started between the kisses, only to be shut up by his lips again. "We should". Carlos said, the flames igniting in his eyes.
You looked at him with a smile and threw your arms around his neck.

Formula 1 - One Shots [First Book]
FanfictionBook = closed >>> second F1 one shots book. Highest ranking #184 in fanfiction