Take The Wheel - {Sebastian Vettel}

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A/N: request by VettelFerrari with a plot of the movie Need For Speed!

The Shelby Mustang roared over the asphalt, causing other drivers to look up with gaping faces. You were by now used to the fast pace Sebastian had. The story how you met each other might be a bit weird.

You've always been interested in the American Muscle cars, you worked in that kind of business and you formed an advisor for people who were willing to pay a lot of money for them. You met Seb at the release of the new Mustang and you had surprised him with your knowledge of the car.

Your client was interested for sure and Sebastian did a test drive in it, reaching even over the top speed of 230 miles per hour. You sold the car for 2.7 million dollars. Sebastian had been through something rough, yet sitting next to each other in a car for about 30 hours now, didn't make him open up about that, yet.

He was determined to enter the race called the De Leon, which is a top secret race with only the most high-end cars, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Koenisegg and whatever more. You definitely need to jump out of the rest on the area of driving skills if you want to participate it.

"You'll need to blow them away if you want to enter that race". You said, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned against the hood of the Mustang.

"Believe me, I don't even need to do my best for it". The cocky grin on his face made you throw the keys towards him.

"Fine, show me".

The last 30 hours in this car have been crazy. You had a couple fights for sure, about small things like the radio, how loud he was eating his sandwich. You definitely needed to blow some steam off when Sebastian 'forgot' to tell you about his definition of refuelling, because it was refuelling while driving.

You both were okay now, you didn't talk much, but the small words were there and you didn't have an argument for 3 hours already. You couldn't relax very well, knowing the cops were following everywhere.

Sebastian suddenly slowed down and took a turn to a gas station. "Can you get me something to eat and drink while I'm getting some fuel?". He gave you a twenty dollar bill and you nodded, taking it and getting out of the car.

You strutted inside and went over to the fridge to get two cans of coke. The door went open again and you looked up. Shit, that was a cop.

You ducked down in panic, snatching a pair of sunglasses from the rack around the corner. Sebastian frowned as he saw you sitting and he almost wanted to go in to the store, but he saw the police officer as well.

You still needed to pay for your stuff, quickly taking a bag of crisps as well and walked over to the cashier. The cop was looking at you, you knew it. And you made the mistake of looking over your shoulder.

You didn't hesitate before you ran away, another direction which was to the back of the store. The police officer yelled at you. Sebastian quickly got into the Mustang, driving to the back also. You ran upstairs to an unknown destination and the stairs ended at the roof.

You started to hyperventilate from the fear and the height, Seb standing beneath you. "You need to jump, I'll catch you!". The German spoke and motioned with his hands for you to come down. You looked over your shoulder again, stepping closer to the edge.

You let yourself fall down with a scream, trusting him for this once. Sebastian easily caught you and put you safely down on the ground. You both rushed to get back into the car, not bothering to put the seatbelts on before driving away.

The tyres were screeching and left a smoking trace as he drove away. You leaned your head back against the seat to catch your breath, closing your eyes.

"Hey, what you did back there was very brave". Sebastian softly said, looking over at you as you were a couple miles away from the gas station. "Oh". Was all you could say, a small smile and a blush creeping onto your face.

"Do you think you can drive her for a couple hours?". Seb patted the steering wheel. "Who, me?". You said, pointing at yourself in disbelieve. "Of course". He smiled. "Come". You scooted over to his lap, careful where you placed your feet on the floor of the Mustang. His hands were on your waist to help you sit between his legs.

Sebastian had your hair slightly in his face and he could smell your delicious conditioner. His head leaned on your shoulder. Your hands took place on the leather coated wheel, atop of his. You slightly blushed and hoped he wouldn't see it.

"That's great". He said and you shivered at his hot breath in your neck. Sebastian slipped his hands away from the steering wheel and placed them on your waist again gently, holding you for a little bit longer.

"Do you have her?".

You nodded at his question and smiled. Sebastian smiled as well, placing a kiss on your cheek, thereupon slowly making his way to climb over to the passenger's seat. You sunk back in the seat and your foot softly pressed down on the throttle. You were driving this beautiful car now.

Sebastian leaned his arm on the door and leaned his head on it, his gaze fixated on you the whole time. He had liked you from the beginning, your passion for cars and not only the looks of the car, but also what was under the hood.

Your stubborn character made him smile when he thought about it and he suddenly remembered that he'd maybe never see you again after the race. Sebastian wanted to ask you about it, but he had a hard time keeping his eyes open.

He felt comfortable enough to let you drive while he was sleeping, and that meant a lot.

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