The Creed - {Daniel Ricciardo}

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A/N: I watched the Assassin's Creed movie tonight and I've always played the games, they're so amazing and I just had to do something with it. Dan is a great person to experiment those rare things with :) Opinions are always welcome and a part 2/more part series is requestable!

"Where other men blindly follow the truth, Remember, nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, Remember, everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins."

Andalusia, Spain, 1462

Your mother pulled you with her and you stumbled onto your feet. You were roughly pulled out of your room and she had a tight grip on your arm. You were about to ask what was going on as it felt like the whole city was shaking.

Your vision was clouded with smoke and the smell of a fire pierced through your nostrils. You ran forward now, wanting to breath fresh air. Everybody in town was on the run and as soon as you saw the man in black on the black horse, you knew enough.

The Templars were here and if they were, it wasn't a good case. The king always had to lend him money against his will, leaving Andalusia without anything. If you could eat every day, you were a lucky person.

But the king didn't have any money anymore. Only his precious son. The Templars murdered everything and everyone that came onto their path. The people here were on their path now.

Your feet were harshly swept away from under your body as you stumbled over a block of concrete that fell down from the church. You screamed in pain as the sand was kicked up by others and was spilled into your open skin.

Your mother went back for you, but she shouldn't have done that. The man with the red cape shot the arrow, and also the live out of her body. You wanted to scream, no words coming out of your dry throat.

You wanted to run, but your feet couldn't move from their place. You clasped your hand over your mouth as another man suddenly landed on the ground behind the Templar, a knife shooting out of his wrist and easily slicing the Templar's throat.

You crawled back, but your back hit the wall. Running was no option. Your vision blurred again as a burning roof fell down next to you and you stumbled away from it, sinking down on the ground. The smoke was thick in your throat and you felt like you were going to faint.

The eyes of the hooded man were focused on you and you could see his dark brown orbs as he came your way. His knife were still extended and you could see the fire igniting in his eyes. You closed your eyes as you expected the cool blade on your artery.

But just the darkness came, nothing else.


"Master, bringing her was the most stupid thing you could ever do!". The young Assassin spat. Daniel was annoyed by his tone and pulled him closer by his collar. "Since when do you decide for me?". Daniel roughly pushed the boy away and he stumbled back.

"You should have killed her. She's a betrayer, watch my words". The young hissed.


You shot up from your spot as the deep voice boomed through the room and you gasped for air at your aching knee. Daniel turned around, his cape now loose on his shoulders, no hood over his head. He looked at you for a moment and you slightly panicked as your hands were tied.

The thick metal chain that was pinned into the wall was of course stronger than you were. Still you started to pull on it, big eyes as he came closer. "Ssh". The man softly shushed and eyed your panicked face, the wide nostrils and the big eyes.

"I will not hurt you". He spoke. His voice was a nice one to listen to if it was calm. The deep sound suited him. The man was rather handsome and had dark hair, just like his eyes. When you looked up at his eyes, you remembered it was the same hooded man you saw earlier.

"You will stay here when I get that chain away, right?". He asked and you nodded slowly. He reached up to cut the chain down and he gently freed your hands. You rubbed your sore wrists and crawled further against the wall.

Daniel kneeled down at you again. "I need to take care of your wounds. Would you like some water as well?". His tone was soft and soothing and you nodded again, staying where you were. The tall man came back with a damp cloth, water and some other things you didn't know of.

"I'm Daniel". He started, just talking so maybe you'd open up towards him. He gave you a cup of water and you gladly took it from him. You whimpered as he started to clean the wound on your knee. "I'm sorry". Daniel whispered and you softly cried as he went on.

He looked up at your soft sobs and he washed the dirt of the cloth before taking your face gently in his hands. You closed your eyes as you were too afraid to look at him, the knives on his wrists terribly close, besides you didn't miss the axe he carried on his back as well.

Daniel gently cleaned your face as well, getting the sand and dirt off your skin. He brushed your tears away. "Could you please open your eyes?". He said and you carefully opened them to look at his now hazel brown eyes. A fire ignited in your stomach, almost the same fire you saw in his eyes earlier.

His breath hitched in his throat as he saw your gorgeous and bright orbs. "You're beautiful". Daniel whispered and a friendly smile tugged on his lips.

"No". Your voice croaked. His eyebrows formed into a frown and he was about to protest. "I'm Y/N". The smile on his face became brighter and wider at your reply.

"Well, Y/N, you look beautiful".


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