She Said Yes - {Valterri Bottas}

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A/N: first Valterri request for moon_child_x ! ☺️💖

Valterri smiled at you as you sat in the car next to him. The holidays allowed you to have some free time and this time you and Val flew back to Finland to visit his parents for a couple days. The Bottas family were the most nice people you've ever met and his mother could cook the best.

They always looked forward to see you both again and it had gone like that since the beginning of your relationship, five years ago.

The Finnish weather was perfect, not too warm, not too cold and with a refreshing breeze every now and then. Valterri drove his Mercedes over the calm roads in the gorgeous neighborhood where his parents lived. He turned onto a porch and stopped, turning the engine off.

"There we are". Valterri muttered, smiling at you and taking your entwined hands towards his face to press a kiss to your knuckles. You smiled back at him and then opened the car door.

His parents already stood in the dooropening and mother Bottas rushed her way to you. "Hei kulta". {Hey darling, golden. Kulta = gold} She kissed your cheek and hugged you before moving towards her son, who was getting the luggage out of the trunk.

You greeted his father as well, who was kneeled at the ground with Jack, the Siberian Huskey of theirs. Jack excitedly jumped and barked when he saw you coming into the living room and you laughed, petting his fur.

Valterri was soon by your side, his hand on your lower back before moving to sit down on the couch. The kitchen smelled nicely and it looked like there was food for maybe 20 people than were here already. You now looked up at how nicely and festive the living room and kitchen were decorated, maybe they just went for another style or something.

Valterri and you drank a cup of coffee, Valterri mainly spoke to his parents about the races and his experiences on the track and with training. They of course asked you as well and Valterri looked at you with a smile as you and his parents could get along so well.

"I forgot some tomatoes, I'll have to go and get them. Do you two want to talk a walk with Jack real quick? I'm afraid he might do it in his pants because of all the excitement when you came". His mother giggled and you laughed, standing up to get Jack's leash.

Valterri entwined his hand with yours as soon as you walked down the street towards the big forest. From all the nice spots in this big city, the forest was your absolutely favorite because of the field full of colorful that was in there and Jack loved to jump through it.

"I liked the new decorations in the living room and kitchen". You mentioned, maybe he'd explain the sudden change. Valterri smiled, cheeks a bit red. "You know my mom, she likes changes". You just nodded in response, not entirely sure of his answer.

The structure of the path crunched a bit beneath your shoes as you set course to the fields of flowers. Soon enough it was reached and you took the leash off of Jack's collar and he immediately sprinted forward. You giggled as he started to jump through the flowers.

Valterri stood still to grab your other hand. "Love, I wanted to say something". You smiled and entwined your fingers, looking up at his bright eyes.

"I've realized in these past 5 years how important you are for me. How much I need you in my life. I have a lot more to say but I'm a bit nervous so I can't remember". You both laughed.

"Long story short, I want you much more years in my life, I love you so much". Valterri sunk down to one knee his hands letting go briefly to open the box to unveil a ring that almost made you faint.

"Do you want to marry me?"

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"Do you want to marry me?". He asked, his mouth curling up into a smile.

"Of course!". You said, giggling and blushing and crying at the same time. The Fin put the ring around your finger and you wrapped your arms around him, calling you two to fall back in the grass. You laughed and pressed your lips to his.

You kept smiling and smiling when you walked back home and you basically wanted to shout to everybody that passed you. "HI WE'RE ENGAGED". Valterri shook his head and swung his arm around your shoulders.

A wave of happiness came towards you when you opened the house door. All of your friends and family where there, balloons flying everywhere that said congratulations or something like that. "Did she say yes?". Mother Bottas yelled from the kitchen as she was carrying two plates of food.

"She said yes!". Valterri yelled back and pulled you closer by your waist now, kissing the top of your head.

You smiled and adjusted your ring on you finger, looking up at him, your husband.

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