A Bit Jealous - {Daniel Ricciardo}

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A/N: Loved this request! It's for girlgroupuniverse 😇

"Are you nervous?". You asked with a giggle while you were seated in front of the mirror. Daniel looked at you from his spot on the couch and studied quietly how the make-up artist swiped the products over your face with a soft brush.

His leg was bumping up and down and his fingers were fiddling with the zipper of his Red Bull jacket. "I'm excited, doll. I've never been to one of your shoots before".

You were a succesful model and with him being a super star in Formula 1, it was a bit hard for him to come along to every photoshoot or show you had. But when you told him you had to shoot for a brand of jeans with a male model, he made sure he could be there.

Your make-up was nicely done and your hair was styled with a wild look, the strands falling playfully down your shoulders and back and framed your face. You hopped off the stool as she was ready, the jeans already on.

The director brought you and Daniel towards the place where the photo's were going to be shot. Daniel got to sit behind the camera so he could see everything that would be happening. You walked up to your colleague, a rather handsome and rough man with long hair that was rolled up into a messy bun, a beard covering his cheeks and chin.

"Hi, I'm Y/N". You introduced yourself with a smile, shaking his hand. "I'm Daniel, pleasure to meet you". Dan the second smiled and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, causing you to giggle. "Oh that's funny! My boyfriend's a Daniel as well".

Daniel looked up at the guy you were talking with and saw you smiling. Okay, that's good. The man didn't say stuff you didn't like. That's good, he's nice. Okay. Daniel kept repeating that in his head.

The photographer had gotten his stuff ready and it was time for you to pose. First you did some shots alone and Daniel looked his eyes out at how beautiful you looked, the pose were you had your hand in your hair and threw a playful look over your shoulder made his teeth dug into his lower lip.

"Daniel, get in please". Daniel looked up with a frown. "Wait, what?". He asked confused, but the man you were talking with earlier stepped towards you in the very bright lighted area. "Oh". He muttered, understanding the male model was named Daniel as well, how great.

The way the guy looked at you made the hairs stand up on his body. Daniel's smile was replaced by an expressionless face. He knew this was just for your job, but still. He should be the only Daniel who's allowed to touch you and look at you in ways like that.

Your shirt went off to reveal a lacy white bralette and he gritted through his teeth as the next pose was with the guy wrapping his arms around your front, his shirtless form glued to your back.

The photoshoot seemed to take ages to end and finally you were done, stepping off the white floor to take a look at the pictures that have been made. Of course you didn't feel anything for the other Dan, it was just professional and business, nothing else.

Daniel got up and placed his hand on your lower back, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder and the crook of your neck. You smiled and kissed his cheek, a bit confused by his sudden touchy mood.

He even dared to move his hands to your hips and pull your back against his chest, right here on spot. Your cheeks blushed scarlet red and you tightly squeezed his hand as a warning sign. Daniel grinned and let you go after glancing over at the model, who quickly looked away.

You didn't say anything as you noticed he just did this to shoo your colleague away. You gave his shoulder a light push to make him walk in front of you back to the dressing rooms. "Hey, Y/N?". You turned around to see Daniel the second.

"Thanks for the nice shoot". He winked at you with a smile and you looked over your shoulder at your Daniel, who had his eyebrows raised. "It was a pleasure, Dan".

That's were you went over the barrier, only he was called Dan by you. Daniel pulled on your arm and pushed you inside the dressing room.

"What's up, buttercup?". You teased, sliding your hands over his shoulders and chest. "Nothing". He grunted, not even looking at you.

"Were you a bit jealous?". You cooed.

No response.

"Are you mad at me?". You asked now, a playful pout on your face.

"Yes, I am". He said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm your Daniel and your my Y/N". Daniel continued. You giggled at his words.

"If you say so, why don't you show me?". Your teeth dug into your lip and he gasped as he immediately knew what you meant. "And let the others hear it as well". Your lips so dangerously close to his ear made him go crazy within seconds.

"You're so going to regret flirting with that dude". Daniel muttered before hoisting you up against himself.

And if you regretted making him jealous.

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