Churros & Dinner - {Carlos Sainz Jr.}

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A/N: This is written for the lovely Sara myoceanblue__, hope you like it babe!

You leaned your head on your arm, sitting slouched in the chair behind a desk. You tapped your nails on the surface of the desk, sighing as the time seemed to crawl by. Every minute felt like an hour and the teacher's words got more and more unclear.

You had been up for a long time during the night to call with your boyfriend Carlos. Due to his busy Formula 1 career he was more away than at home. You respected that this was him living the dream, but your chest ached sometimes with how much you missed him.

You could travel along with him once, maybe twice in the season due to your study here in Madrid.

Carlos explained that he wouldn't be home, like he promised and you got pretty upset with him. You didn't want to be egoistic and force him to visit you immediately after a race, but the news that he wouldn't be home because he wanted to party with his team mate made you choke on your water.

"So, you're not here tomorrow?". You asked softly, fighting the tears.

"No, I'm not, I'm sorry. I can't let Daniil go on his own". Carlos wanted to tell you so dearly that all of this wasn't true, but he wanted to keep everything a surprise.

"Daniil is a grown man, Carlos. I'm feeling like you're pulling him for me". You're voice croaked and he knew you were on the edge of tears. He nibbled on his lip.

"Babe, it's not...".

"Just save it, okay? Have fun. I love you". You managed to say and ended the call.

You thought about the conversation again and frowned at your thoughts. You should have your mind at these difficult thesis written on the board and block the rest out of your head. You blankly stared in front of you, eyes wandering off to the clock again.

Ugh, five more minutes. You let out a big huff of air and your friend next to you giggled at your bored face.

Finally you could leave and it was almost four in the afternoon, the late classes where always the most boring and long ones, while you'd rather sit at home and watch some series with a bag of crisps.

You got your jacket from your locker and got outside quickly, swinging your bag over your shoulders. Your fingers were busy getting the knots out of your earphones and you were about to put them into your phone and select some music.

Carlos casually leaned against his car, a bouquet of roses in his hands. You bit your lip not to smile too brightly and you went his way. "I thought you wouldn't be home!". You squealed as he wrapped you up in a hug.

"Surprise". The Spaniard laughed and gave you the roses.

"You didn't have to". You blushed, looking at the beautiful flowers. He shook his head. "I had to get them for you, especially because I made you cry last night. In a not so good way". Your eyes flickered up to him as he had a small grin tugging on his lips and you swatted his chest.

Carlos smiled and gently took your jaw between his fingers to kiss your lips. "So you thought you'd show everyone how good of a boyfriend you are?". You giggled as more students were looking curiously your way.

"Of course". He chuckled and opened the door of the passenger's seat for you. You sat down on the smooth leather of his car and he started the engine to drive away. You looked at the roses and smelled them for a moment.

Carlos let go of the steering wheel with one hand, entwining it with yours and resting it on your knee. You smiled as you looked at him and he pressed a kiss to your knuckles.

"Hey, we're not going home". You mentioned as this was the road to the centre. "Nope, we're not". Carlos replied and chuckled, taking a left towards the parking lot. You frowned as you wouldn't know what to do at this time of the day in the shopping centre, it was too early for dinner and too late to shop?

You placed the flowers carefully on the backseat and hoped they would be still alive and well when you come back.

Carlos locked the doors and swung his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. He smiled as you wrapped your fingers around his hand. He had missed you as well and he was so glad you weren't mad at him anymore.

You finally understood where he was taking you as he pulled you into the coffee place that was known for the best churros around. If there was anything you loved almost just as much as Carlos, it were churros.

You did an excited dance and he laughed, letting you lean against him till he got to order. He got an extra-large portion for both of you, a cup of melted chocolate served with it for take away. "I needed this, really. Do you know how boring my last class was?". You sighed, taking a bite of a churro.

Carlos didn't say anything but smiled, looking at you as you enjoyed your favourite candy (are churros candy actually?) You dipped one in the chocolate and he opened his mouth so you could feed him.

You rolled your eyes and did what he wanted, leaning over the table to get the chocolate out of his scruff. Carlos pulled a face and you laughed, squishing his cheeks before kissing him. "I love you". He mumbled, eyes half closed as you moved your fingers through his raven coloured hair.

"I love you too". You said, butterflies still going crazy in your stomach whenever he told you that.

"We can go out for dinner after this". Carlos mentioned, putting another churro in his mouth. "We're still eating!". You laughed as he already thought about the next thing to eat.

"And my flowers are dying". You continued.

"I'll buy you new ones". Carlos said with a boyish smirk and you scoffed at him, laughing nevertheless.

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