Howdy, Cowboy - {Daniel Ricciardo} part 3

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A/N: Like I promised, the third and last part of Cowboy!Daniel 😏

Warning: Sexual content

Daniel moved towards you again, not getting enough of the taste of your lips. You scooted further back in his truck and he hovered over you. Your fingers started on the buttons of his shirt, letting your hands roam over his muscled form.

His skin felt on fire wherever your hands went and he stopped your touchy mood by placing them above your head with a sly smirk on his beautiful face.

"Patience, doll".

Oh his voice was so low and taunting in your ear, his breath over the side of your face creating goosebumps all over your body. You threw your head back as his nose ran down the base of your throat, breathing in your perfume.

Your breath hitched in your throat when Daniel's lips nipped at your skin, soft kisses placed on your neck and collarbones. A short, sharp pain shot through your body as he sucked on your pulse, leaving a purple stain on your neck.

Your mind was clouded with his presence, your hands wandering under the material of his shirt to slide it off his shoulders. You whimpered at his sculpted figure. V-Lines disappeared into his jeans that hugged his hips with a thick leather belt.

Somehow that made you want him even more. Daniel took a moment to watch your gorgeous face, your pupils blown wide and your lips slightly parted. His fingers slid down your sides to grab the hem off your shirt, taking it upwards and over your head.

A firm grip on your hips forced you closer to him and to spread your legs for him to stand between them. The cool metal of the pick-up truck was against the back of your legs and he gently lowered you till your back hit the floor of the load area of his truck.

Your breath was shaky as his kisses went lower, one hand fiddling with the clasp of your bra and you slid the straps down your arms and you shivered from the cold breeze.

"Don't worry, angel. I'll make sure you'll be heated up any minute". He didn't bother to look up at you, but he knew your eyes were wide at his words, cheeks red and a soft whimper rolling over your lips.

Daniel's hands softly touched your body, in the way that got you wanting him even more. "You're so, so gorgeous". He mumbled while his fingers pulled on your jeans to get rid of them. Your hands started to get rid of his jeans as well, freeing him from the now tight material.

Your body was flush against his, feeling him against your thigh made you groan in frustration. Daniel surprised you with the loving kiss on your lips, his hands searching yours to entwine them tightly. His tip slightly entered you and then pulled back, making sure you were ready for him. Finally he sunk into you, making you whine rather loudly and wrap your legs around his hips.

Daniel let out a moan as your heat was snugly wrapped around him, a sharp thrust of his hips enough to make you pull your hands out of his and place them on his shoulder blades. The muscles rippling beneath your fingers as he moved.

"Worth the wait, baby?". He muttered in your ear.

"Absolutely". You breathed, nails clawing at his back to let him hiss just as much as you. Daniel placed his arms on either side of your head.

You brought one hand to the back of his head to kiss him again, a hot mess of lips and teeth clashing together.

"M-more, Dan". Your voice small and croaky, but clear enough for him.

Daniel gritted through his teeth by the way the moaned and your lips went to the base of his wide neck to nip at the skin. He offered you a deep and hard thrust, force jarring your whole body. Your head rolled back as you wanted him even closer, so close nothing could split you apart.

"Oh princess". His low moan silenced as he nuzzled his head in your neck. Daniel was delirious by the way your bodies connected and he didn't bother to hold in the moans to slip past his full lips.

His hands grabbed your hips firmly, you were sure they'd leave bruises but you didn't care. Daniel was focused on bringing you to your release, hard and deep snaps of his hips letting you cry out from pleasure in the middle of the night.

Your hips met his rhythm as you wanted to make him feel everything. He slightly shifted himself, hitting you in a whole new range that caused you to roll your eyes back and take a hold on his wrists. Daniel ducked his head down again, hot lips pressed against your throat and his tongue over your skin.

The pitch of your moans went higher and higher till you were brought over the edge, you felt yourself falling with a scream, your nails pressing into his skin as the intense wave of pleasure crushed your body and drowned you.

The feeling of you tightly around him and the sight of your body shaking by the pleasure he gave you was enough for him to release as well, loud groans ripping from his throat as he followed you through the state of euphoria.

Your breaths were uneven and you softly whined at his gentle kisses on your shoulder. The silence was your way to communicate for a couple minutes. He slipped out of you with a sigh, feet on the ground again as he pulled you to the edge of his truck. Daniel wrapped a blanket around you, pressing you against his chest.

"The way you made me feel". He started softly, caressing your hair. You smiled against his chest, completely worn out by everything.

"I'll take you home". Daniel whispered, easily picking you up and putting you in the passenger's seat.

You managed to keep your eyes open while he drove back to your ranch, the small stones of your porch gritting beneath the tires of his truck. Daniel turned the engine off and opened your door.

"Your father isn't back yet, is it okay if I bring you to bed?". Daniel muttered, looking down at your sleepy face. You nodded weakly, covering your mouth as you yawned. You guided Daniel through your house and he placed you on your bed in your room.

"Will you be here tomorrow?". You asked as you wrapped the blanket tighter around you. "Yes". He replied with a smile.

"Now sleep, my angel". Daniel kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek before standing up to leave. You smiled at him and rested your head on the pillow, your body still tingling from Daniel.

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