Skydive - {Sebastian Vettel}

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A/N: An one shot with a plot of the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service for the lovely VettelFerrari :)

Dressed up in a black suit, air mask and helmet over your head you were ready to step into the plane. You sat down and you were strapped to the seat, looking forward and straight in the eyes of Sebastian Vettel. Seb looked back at you with a smile, he was all excited for this.

You two were in the school of becoming a British spy. The agency was the highest class here, location unknown. You were here a bit longer than Sebastian was, but he didn't have to redo all the things you had done. They just assumed he was better than all of you. You had liked him instantly as he wasn't arrogant at all, but the accent in his voice told others he was not from Great Britain.

The other guys were annoying him as much as they could, but Sebastian was a rather cool guy. You often found yourself at the same lunch table with him, ignoring the others who were abandoning you as well.

You took a deep breath, your fear of heights definitely not helping. Sebastian studied your nervous figure and gave you a small smile.

"Listen up, your mission is to land the target without the radar detecting you. If I read you on the radar, or you miss the target, you go home". The sound of the leader's voice boomed through the speakers in the plane and your eyes were still locked with Sebastian's blue ones.

Your mission was to jump out of it and get down safely. Sebastian knew how scared you actually were, trying to act cool but he saw straight through that act. He waited till the rest of the guys stood in front of the opening door, staying with you.

"Seb, wait!". You yelled, grabbing onto a rung above you, not jumping yet. "Can you just stop hesitating? Follow me, okay?". Sebastian grabbed onto your waist and you nodded, he let himself fall back and you looked down as he fell.

Sebastian absolutely loved it, the air around him, the sight the sky gave him, the immense speed he was falling down with. He twirled around with an excited yelp and dove down to get more speed. You finally jumped after them, letting yourself fall through the air. Nothing could safe you if you didn't reach the group.

You spread your body out to direct it towards Sebastian and they already formed the group circle. The guys twirled around each other and you heard some faint compliments that you dared to jump as well. "Of course this test doesn't come without any complications, especially when one of you doesn't have a parachute". You gasped in surprise at the message through the radio.

Everybody looked a bit surprised, some yelled in fear. "Listen! I have a plan, everybody pair up with the closest person next to you!". Sebastian called, however the first one already got his parachute out, leaving you with five persons.

Pairing up was hard now, but you drew closer to make a circle. "The first person on the right is getting their parachute out!". Your team mate next to you flew away with the parachute, the guy next to him as well. Also the third one got his parachute out.

You and Sebastian were left, already getting the messages with that you're getting closer to the ground. "Whatever happens now, I've got you, okay?". Sebastian tightly took a hold of your arms. You looked at his eyes and nodded. "Okay". Sebastian pulled you against him and wrapped his legs around you. His hand slid over your suit to find the parachute and damn it he couldn't find it.

Suddenly you were roughly pulled up, Sebastian let out a scream and clamped himself around your legs. Your speed was too high for a soft landing and the target was coming closer and closer. You closed your eyes in fear, letting it all wash over you.

Your body hit the ground with a loud smack, a shot of pain shooting up your spine, but were still alive. Sebastian took your hand in his, padding your shoulder to sign he was still alive as well. Both of you were panting heavily and you sat up to take the helmet off and his as well.

Sebastian looked up at you, not making a move to stand up. You hovered over him and smiled, leaning down to press your lips against his. "We made it". He whispered against your lips and you smiled, kissing him again. His lips were soft against yours and he swore he'd wrap you up in his arms if not every muscle in his body ached.

His heart was still going crazy, not because of the skydiving, but because of you.

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