Perfect - {Carlos Sainz}

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A/N: This is for sarahlouisefowler ! Hope you like it! I also uploaded a new chapter of my latest Daniel fic 'Caraphernelia' 😏✅

Lyrics of the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran is between brackets.

{I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me}

Carlos's dark eyes found yours from the other side of the place. It's like you two were magnets, drawn to each other from miles away. It's like you just knew when his eyes were on you. The spark in your body never fading away when you looked at your husband. He smiled at you and you smiled back. His gorgeous wife.

You had gotten married today and the party was leading towards its end, which was he was secretly glad about because he wanted you for his own now. Of course it was nice that his family was here and all of his friends and your family and friends, but he wanted to be alone with his Mrs Sainz now.

Carlos was distracted when his team mate came up to him, his girlfriend Kelly on his arm. "Thanks for the great party, man. Wishing you two all the best". Daniil shook his hand with a grin and Kelly leaned up to kiss his cheek. "You're lucky with her, Carlos". She smiled and entwined her fingers with Daniil's as they walked away.

The Spaniard turned around to look at you again. And if he was a lucky man.

{'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine}

Carlos saw his eleven year old self walking up to you after his karting race, he had won and was more than proud. You sat in the back of the garage, holding your fathers hand tightly as those karting things were slightly new to you. He didn't know why he was so confident when he was little, but he had walked up to you and asked if you wanted to see his trophies.

Your father had ushered you to go along with him and Carlos took your hand in his, both giggling as you're ran through the halls.

"Wow, those are shiny!". You squealed and pressed your face against the glass to look at the shiny trophies behind it. "I want to win much more, and become a F1 driver". Carlos proudly stated and you looked up at him with big eyes.

"I'm going to be your helper then". You answered and he nodded excitedly, shaking your hands as in a deal you just made.

Carlos chuckled at the memory and he found himself finally understanding what being in love with someone is. It's a weird word with a kinda weird meaning, but the feeling that is attached to it, is unreal. His stomach still made backflips whenever you looked at him or showed him that gorgeous smile.

He felt connected to you on another level, like your souls had entwined with each other and he didn't ever want to let go. He had asked you to be his girlfriend when he was a sixteen year old and you had said yes with a red face. Now, so many years later, he asked you to marry him, with the same blushing cheeks you had said yes again.

{Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight}

Carlos contently waved at the last guest and scooped you up in his arms. "Finally I have you all for myself". He muttered in your ear and you giggled, stopping him to kick the heels off you've been wearing all night. Carlos twirled you around and the cold grass felt better against your feet than the heels had done.

"My make-up is all smudged and stuff". You said as you wiped your eyes and the mascara and shadow came off. "You're still just as gorgeous, princess". Carlos smiled and slid his fingers through yours. The playlist in the background was still playing and he slowly swayed you from left to right on the beat of the music.

"Today was the best day of my life". You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck. Carlos pulled you closer by your lower back and rested his hands on your hips. Your wedding dress was in a navy blue colour and you looked so beautiful in it. "Mine too, next to the day you said yes if you wanted to be my girlfriend". You giggled at his answer and he swore his heart skipped a beat.

{Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own}

"I love you so much". Carlos muttered and pressed a kiss to your lips. "I love you too". You smiled and tangled your fingers in his raven hair. He looked so handsome with the suit, the navy blue colour making his skin so bronzed and his hair so dark, causing you to still drool all over your husband. "I've got something to tell you". You started, pulling back slightly to look up at him.

"You want to divorce already?".

"Carlos!". You rolled your eyes and swatted his chest, causing him to laugh in response and press another kiss to your lips.

"I'm pregnant". You whispered and his eyes went wide. "You are?". He asked, just to be sure he heard you right. "I am, 5 weeks now". You nodded and Carlos's lips slightly trembled. He felt his eyes become wet and he cupped your cheeks to kiss you. "Our little baby". His voice croaked and you were so touched by his tears of happiness, you started to cry as well.

{We are still kids but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes}

Carlos's hands wandered down your back to slide over your stomach, placing his palms flat on them. "It's still a peanut, you know that right?". You whispered and he started to laugh. "I do, but it's our peanut". You couldn't help it but laugh as well.

"I just wanted to tell you when we're alone, our families have been stressed enough by the wedding". You explained and moved your hand up to caress his cheek and hair. Carlos closed his eyes at the feeling of your fingers moving through his dark strands. "I don't want them to know yet, I want to be alone with you for a while".

You smiled and looked into his dark, loving eyes who still gave the shivers to run up your spine. Goosebumps rose upon your skin and you felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks. The moon was bright enough this night and lightened the grass in the backyard. Carlos's fingers moved into your hair, searching for the clips and elastics that held your hair locked on its place.

He ruffled it a bit to let it fall over your shoulders and he smiled when your beautiful hair framed your face again. Carlos placed his fingers under your chin and against your jaw, angling your face to his. You drowned in his dark eyes and the butterflies erupted in your stomach, your heart beating faster as it felt like your first kiss all over again.

His tender lips kissed yours and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, not planning to let go.

{Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song
When I saw you in that dress
Looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight}

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