Maui - {Kimi Räikkönen}

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A/N: This was requested by VettelFerrari quite a while ago, but I wanted to do some research for the Hawaiian and Polynesian folklore of Maui to make sure I was writing something that made sense 😂 Here it is!

Maui [Mau·i]

Noun: Culture hero in Hawaiian and Polynesian mythology who was handy in steeling objects and who was the one who restrained the sun. His attribute is a special fisherman's hook that could let him catch everything, because he wasn't a great fisherman.

Kimi's blonde hair shone bright in the sun, his blues eyes always scanning the whole beach and the sea. He was new here in the camp and you were wondering what he was doing and who he even was.

He had briefly talked when the camp leader, Chiron, introduced him to the group. Chiron had told everyone that he's a special demi-god, he wasn't like us, but that didn't matter. He knew Kimi wasn't an offspring from the Greek gods, Apollo and Zeus could be his possible fathers, but none of the their powers seem to be in him.

Egyptian wasn't possible as well, his blonde hair and bright eyes wouldn't let him be Egyptian. Tattoos were a thing you've never seen before and you admired the dark ink that swirled around his arms and wrists, wondering if it hurt.

For some it did matter and they tried to bother him by saying nasty things. Kimi didn't seem to mind and you even thought he didn't hear it. As a daughter of Poseidon, you were often at the sea and in the sea. Just to check up on everything, the different species of sea life.

The sun was setting and you came out of the water, your clothes immediately drying. You briefly laid your trident in the sand to pull on your combat boots again. The air was warm and clammy this evening and you'd rather stay in the kingdom of your father the whole time.

You reached out for your attribute to only find sand between your fingers. You jumped up immediately, your eyes shifting to a gigantic bird that held your trident in his mouth. He seemed to challenge you, but you huffed and sat down again.

"You're not going to steel it". You said.

The bird seemed to nod and it slowly spread its wings. Faster than you could blink he was down on the ground, but it wasn't a bird anymore.

"Nice thing you have here". Kimi teasingly said and twirled the heavy steel attribute between his fingers like it was a drumstick. "You... are a bird?". You swallowed and tried to put the two things that just happened together.

"Sort of, I can change into any bird I prefer. Bigger ones to fly far, smaller ones to investigate a little. You have nice pyjama's by the way". Kimi said and threw you your trident. You blushed like a tomato and your weapon folded itself into your necklace.

Kimi sat down next to you in the sand and you eyed his muscled, shirtless form. His skin was rather pale and made the ink on skin stand out. There was an ivory hook dangling as a pendant on his chest.

You studied the tattoos on his body, recognizing the Polynesian drawings. "You're not from here". You slowly said. "No shit, Sherlock". Kimi replied sarcastically and you raised your eyebrows. "Well I'm sorry, but you're the one who doesn't tell where they're from".

Kimi looked at you as you seemed to be slightly offended. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean...". He stammered and now it was your turn to laugh. "Embarrassed there, Birdy?". You teased.

"You want to know my real name?". He asked.

"Sure, but I have a feeling you won't tell it that easy". You said, resting your chin on your knees as you pulled them up to your chest. Kimi shrugged. "I'm an easy person". He cracked a small smile and it seemed like the sun shone brighter all in sudden.

You looked over the sea as the sun was setting, knowing your former thoughts weren't right.

"I'm Maui".

You tilted your head slightly at his name. Hawaiian. You never expected that due to his pale skin and light coloured hair. "The one who restrained the sun". You softly said, smiling as he looked at you in surprise.

"That's right". Kimi said and smiled again. "You're a smart girl". He nodded to himself and briefly looked down at the sand before looking back at your face. Your dark hair waved down your back and your green eyes looked out over the blue surface.

"Wanna see me catch a fish from here?". He randomly blurted, trying to keep you with him as long as the time allowed it, not caring if he would spend the night with you.

"You just want to impress me". You scoffed and laughed as a boyish grin tugged on his lips. "I do". He admitted, but stood up and threw his necklace in the sea. For what you could estimate, around 15 meters into the water.

Kimi waited for a moment and the hook flew back into his hand, a fish dangling on it. "Don't worry, it's not dead. Even it was, I could heal it". A cocky look on his face and you rolled your eyes, giving him a sarcastic applause.

You stood up and freed the fish from the hook, letting him back into the water. You both stood ankle deep in the lukewarm water and he was mesmerized by the way your eyes coloured brighter at the touch of water.

"You're gorgeous". Kimi mumbled and took a step closer to you. You looked up at his gentle face and the tattoo that was written over his chest. Your finger gently traced a line on his collar bone and his eyes didn't leave your face once.

His rough hand tilted your chin so it was angled at his face and he bent slightly down to kiss you. Normally, you wouldn't kiss someone you knew for a half an hour, but of course he had to be an exception.

His touch was warm and he pulled you closer by your lower back. Your hands landed on his shoulders and he shivered as they slid over his chest towards his neck. Your fingers tangled in his blonde hair and a small groan escaped his throat.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this connection". Kimi whispered and you shook your head, shyly smiling at him.

"You're not the only one". He smiled and he put a strand of your dark hair behind your ear.


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