Puerto Rico - {Sebastian Vettel} Part 2

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A/N: Second part to my earlier holiday one shot with Seb, for VettelFerrari! Quick reminder that the requests are still open and the song one shots as well!


"Are you coming as well?". You hesitantly asked your friend as you sat on your hotel room. You were about to go to the bonfire Sebastian asked you for. "Of course I am, maybe there's another cutie". She said and you laughed at her response.

You pulled a loose pair of denim shorts on, combined with a black V-necked top that had an edge of lace. Your hair wet hair had dried into the beautiful beachy waves and you didn't dare to mess it up by moving your hands through it.

On your feet were your favourite worn out Dr. Martens. Your friend pulled a beach dress over her bikini and put her hair in a bun.

You went back to the beach together, the sun just went down and painted the sky in her last deep, orange pastels, already starting to let the black of the night come through. The beach was practically the backyard of the hotel, so it didn't take long for you to arrive.

From a distance it already looked cosy, you spotted the guys around a bonfire with beers in their hand. Soft music on the background and someone playing an acoustic guitar as well.

"Isn't that your girl?". Sebastian's friend nudged his side and the German looked over his shoulder, smiling as he saw you and your friend coming up to them. "She's not my girl... Yet". He mumbled, but stood up to walk towards you.

"Hey, nice to see you again". Seb said. You blushed slightly and smiled while greeting him. You introduced your friend to him, but she quickly lost her attention and went towards the rest of the guys.

He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a white tee that tightly crosses his firm chest and shoulders. "Can I offer you a drink?". He asked and softly touched your lower back to guide you towards the empty place around the fire.

"Sure, I don't mind anything". You said and sat down on the blanket in the sand. Sebastian smiled and briefly went away to get you a beer. The heat of the fire felt nice against your skin in the cool evening air and you leaned your elbows on your knees.

Sebastian came back and popped the bottle open, handing it over to you. "Thanks". You said and took a sip of it. He looked at you as you stared at the fire, your eyes lighting up by the flames. Your legs folded over each other.

Your hair waved over your shoulder and his hands tingled to run them through it. "What brings you here?". Seb decided to ask.

"Searching for relaxation from work". You chuckled, looking over at the handsome German. "Ah, same". He laughed and it was a deep, rich sound you absolutely loved. "It was her idea actually". You nodded your head in the direction of your friend.

Sebastian didn't look over to her, only keeping his eyes on you.

"Psst, he's been worrying all day if you'd come or not". His friend leaned over and told you, causing you to laugh. Sebastian scolded in German at him and blushed, looking away.

You turned to sit facing Sebastian and the rest of the evening you talked about literally everything, you work, your hobbies, things you loved to watch on TV, favourite music. It felt so natural with him and you didn't hesitate about telling stuff about yourself.

Sebastian fell in love with you in those simple, small hours. He was mesmerized by your smile, your gorgeous face and the long hair that sometimes fell in front of your face. Sometimes his eyes wandered off to your long, bare legs.

You stood up as the heat of the flames became a bit too hot. "I'm going to take some fresh air". You said, giggling as you already were outside. Sebastian stood up as well. "I'm going with you".

You both walked through the sand in silence, the beach getting darker as you left the source of light and his friends.

"Were you really worrying if I'd come or not?". You decided to ask, looking over at him.

"Slightly". He shrugged while a grin tugged on his lips.

"Of course I wouldn't leave you hanging". You smiled. "Why not? I mean I almost kicked a ball in your face". You both laughed now, in the end it was pretty hilarious.

"I was just afraid you wouldn't join us, you're so gorgeous, what would you do with a guy like me?". You blushed at his compliment and placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "Seb, come on, you're great company".

Sebastian hesitantly looked at you. You're pupils were dilated by his presence and the scarce amount of light, but he could still see the bright colour of your irises. He briefly looked down as he took a step closer, then back at your face.

Your breath was shaky as you were nose to nose and he softly nuzzled against you. "Are you going to kiss me today or what?". You asked and he laughed, finally pressing his lips to yours. Seb's hands took a firm hold of your waist to pull you even closer.

Your fingers tangled in his blonde hair and you softly groaned against your lips. You automatically parted them to let him deepen the kiss. You yelped as one of his hands sneaked down and took a hand full of your bum.

Your hands landed on his chest and you giggled as he let go. "How long are you staying here?". Sebastian asked. "Two weeks and today was day one".

"Oh well...". Sebastian smirked. "Guess we'll see each other again very soon".

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