Hephaestus - {Carlos Sainz Jr} Part 2

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A/N: Part 2 to my earlier Greekgod!series with Carlos. It's not necessary to read the first part first, but it's nicer of course. Hope y'all like it! I have more on the planning, my next one is probably a Poseidon one with Max Verstappen, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to write it! :) x

Warning: sexual content

"We shouldn't...". You started between the kisses, only to be shut up by his lips again. "We should". Carlos said, the flames igniting in his eyes.

You looked at him with a small smile and threw your arms around his neck.

He pulled you closer by your lower back and you automatically wrapped your legs around his hips. Like you weighed nothing more than a feather, he picked you up to bring you to his bed in the forge. He had an own cabin, but since he's almost 24/7 in the forge, he build a bed for himself here.

The son of Hephaestus surprised you with his lips on your neck, an electric shock running through his body as your heartrate went up. Carlos jumped and almost dropped you.

You squealed, but the flow of air you caused pushed you flush against him. "It's a Zeus thingy". You giggled at his confused look. "How many volts were that?". He laughed and put you down gently, hovering over you to kiss you again.

"Enough to get you going, apparently". You grinned. "Oh, Y/N. Just you are enough to get me going". A flirty smile on his face and you almost fainted due to the handsome young man.

Your hands wandered over his back to roll the hem of his shirt towards his shoulders. Carlos sat up on his knees to give you a helping hand and swung the material over his head. "Thank the gods". You mumbled at the sight of his muscled body and pulled him down with you.

Carlos chuckled and planted his lips on yours again briefly before getting your shirt off as well. He moaned at the sight of your front and dipped his lips towards your neck and throat.

His palm was spread across your stomach and slowly wandered down to the button of your jeans. You didn't know how he did it so quickly, but he popped the button and reached the elastic band of your panties in no time.

You lifted yourself on your elbows so you could watch his every move. Carlos's middle finger reached a sensitive part of your body and you jolted towards his touch. He looked up at you with his brown eyes that were turning slowly orange now.

The louder your moans got, the more the fire ignited in his eyes and it was a beautiful sight. You clenched the muscles in your stomach as you didn't want to give in and lean back to miss something of his moves.

Carlos nibbled on his lip at the way you responded to his touch. When your bubble was about to burst, he pulled away and your eyes immediately shot open with an angry look.

"Hey!". You exclaimed and he laughed. "Patience, Y/N". He said.

You quickly swapped positions and he was surprised as you were suddenly on top. "Patience my ass". You said and unbuttoned his tight jeans as well. Carlos groaned as you dominated him now, he was strong enough to push you down if he wanted to, but he didn't want that.

"Dear zEUS". He moaned as you got a firm hold on his shaft. "Don't say my father's name, that's awkward". You giggled as he stuttered an apology and his cheeks burned scarlet.

Carlos reached you a condom and you slid it on quickly. His hands on your hips to help you if he needed to. Both of your hands on his chest as you started to move. Carlos let out a breathy whine, fingers digging into your hips that'll leave marks tomorrow.

His eyes travelled over your beautiful body and he admired the few scars you had on your shoulders from some fights. He had always admired you and had always been afraid that you wouldn't see him standing anyway.

Your gasps and moans pulled him from his stare and you swung your hair aside to reach down for his lips. Your fingers wandered over his chest, feeling the rock hard abs on his stomach and his prominent collarbones.

Carlos sat up and suddenly you were smaller than him again. He wrapped his arms around you and slowly rocked into you, leaving you to relax a bit.

The skin of your neck was exposed as you threw your head back and his lips planted a path of fire all over it. "Carlos... I-I". You couldn't get the words past your lips and your nails streaked down his back. He hissed at the burning feeling but he didn't mind.

His moans got louder and he pulled you even closer than you already were. You cried out his name and your thighs were shaking as you reached your high. Carlos reached his right after you and the curses combined with your name flew over his lips.

The room was quiet next to your panting breaths, your stomach still tingling from the feeling. Carlos smiled as he looked at your tired eyes. "Babe". You looked up at him and he stroke your cheekbones with his thumbs, pecking your lips a couple times before picking you up to lay you down in his bed.

"I can bring you to your own cabin if you want to". He suggested as he got his boxers back on and a pair of sweats from his closet. "No, I'm fine here". You yawned and pulled your panties on, picking Carlos's shirt.

Carlos chuckled and you scooted over to make room for him. The bed was actually for one person, so it was kind of tight, but you both laid on your side and you had your leg draped over his waist.

His arm was around you and his fingers drew patterns on your back.

You fell asleep in no time with the cutest and nicest guy in the camp cuddled up to you.

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