Beta!Sebastian {Teen Wolf Series}

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A/N: First Teen wolf x F1 one shot requested by the lovely VettelFerrari. With this you also have some sort of example what the other will look like :) I hope you like it!

 With this you also have some sort of example what the other will look like :) I hope you like it!

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Edit of the picture above is by me! :)

You ran through the woods, almost stumbling over your own feet as you looked behind you. The wolf still ran after you and you were pretty sure he was faster than you.

The other pack was in the territorial of your home town, which they actually weren't allowed to and you knew your friend, the Alpha of the pack, wasn't really happy with that.

The wolves from your town were trying to find them at night, but needed to follow their classes at school and needed some sleep in the process also, which made you think you could help them and go into the forest on this cold night.

You were only a werecoyote, but haven't shifted ever into your wolf form. You also didn't want to if you were honest, not seeing why it would be good.

The wolf growled and sprinted towards you, your body smacking to the ground as he grabbed your legs. The Omega's eyes glowed blue and you tried to pull away. You mewled as he showed his teeth and turned your head away.

You let out a loud groan of anger and pain as his nails pressed into your shoulder, your eyes turning blue and your canines biting into the hand of the wolf. He let out a howl and your crawled from under him, suddenly shifting into the other you. The adrenaline, fear and anger made the perfect combination to shift into your inner wolf.

You smacked to the ground yet again, not used to being so close to the ground and you spoke to yourself to stand up. You suddenly had many legs to run with and you soon found out how and you sprinted through the trees.

Your hearing was better than ever and you turned your head to see if the wolf was following you, which he of course was, his body moving in red and orange as some sort of heat radiator.

Your paw hooked behind a tree trunk and you howled as you rolled over to almost the edge of the abyss. You crawled back in panic and you yelped as you bumped against another person. His eyes glowed yellow and you instinctively bowed down to his higher rank in the pack.

"Go, before my Alpha gets here". He groaned to the Omega, demanding his power.

The other wolf watched from a distant, but the Beta growled at him and he soon took off. The energy faded away from your body and you crawled back at the unknown wolf in front of you as well, your back hitting a tree as you slowly shifted back to your human form.

The wolf kneeled down to show he didn't form a threat for you and his eyes turned back into a pair of blue ones. You curiously looked at him and pulled your knees to your chest to hide your now naked body.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you". His voice was surprisingly soft and you felt a little less scared as he slowly came your way.

"Are you okay? That seems like a nasty wound". The person scrunched his nose as he eyed the wound on your shoulders where the Omega had set his nails into your skin.

"I'm Sebastian by the way". He rambled on, not really caring if you'd answer him.

"I'm Y/N". You said with a small smile on your lips.

Sebastian smiled back at you and could sense that you felt more relaxed now, your heart beat not as high as it was before and the smell of fear and adrenaline fading away.

He reached out for you, to take you somewhere he could take care of that bite. He knew you'd heal eventually, but the bite of another wolf always took a little longer than normal damage to your body.

Sebastian scooped you up into his arms and you clung to his neck as the night air felt cold against your naked body. You yawned and let him carry you to his car, where he got you a blanket and shyly turned away as you wrapped it around yourself.

"What were you doing in the forest at this time?". He asked you as he turned towards the road to town.

"My friend's pack was searching for the wolves that intruded our territorial". You explained briefly, not in the mood to tell the whole story.

"And you decided to help them?". Seb chuckled at you.

"Kinda". You murmured and pulled the blanket to your chin. You gave Seb the instructions to your house and explained that your parents were working, your father being away for business and your mother had evening shifts, which also made possible that you could leave the house at three in the night.

Sebastian didn't let you walk yourself and had you in his arms before you could notice it. "Wolf speed". He grinned at you and your rolled your eyes, handing him the keys so he could open the back door.

The house wasn't heated and you were shivering even while wearing the blanket. Seb rumbled around in your kitchen to find some tape and bondages to wrap around the bite on your shoulder.

"Are you in my school as well?". You asked as he pressed the blanket down so he could have enough space to take care of your shoulder.

"Maybe". A small smile on his lips as he cleaned the wound and wrapped the white bondages around it. You didn't reply as you were just watching his face, bright blue eyes looking back at you as you didn't notice you were staring.

Your feminine scent filled his nostrils and his eyes shifted over your face. You nibbled on your lip as your hair was slightly wetted by the watery air.

He set his hands next to your hips on the table where you were seated and he was surprised by your move as you pressed your lips on his. The wolf whimpered slightly at the contact, but kissed you back nevertheless.

You hesitantly tangled your fingers in his blonde hair and pulled him closer, not getting enough of the taste of his lips. Your mind clouded with his presence.

Seb pulled back to catch his breath and his looked down at you while nibbling on his lower lip. You had a tired look in your beautiful eyes and without saying anything, he picked you up to take you upstairs.

Your scent was all over your room and he could easily find it, walking inside and placing you gently on your bed. Instead of grabbing you some clothes, he took off his shirt and pulled it over your head.

You tried to stay awake, but you were too worn out to keep your lids open, soon drifting away. Sebastian yawned as he saw you falling asleep, but he laid down next to you to let you crawl close to his body.

The day after you woke up without him in your bed, but everything smelled like him. You even wore the shirt to school the next day and the other wolves immediately looked over as they smelled him all over you.

Sebastian found you soon enough and grinned as you wore his shirt. "Wanna give it back someday?". He teased.

"You can take it back one day". You smiled sweetly over your shoulder and walked to your other class, leaving him behind at your locker.

"And if I will". He grinned.

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