A/N: Wow, first Jules request I've ever written. It's feels weird to write about him, a driver we lost now almost two years ago. He was one of my favourite drivers and god he was talented for sure. Thank you for this request VaneMaza !
Suzuka, Japan, October 2014
You nervously bit your nails as Roberto Merhi had gone off the track. The impact on the side barriers was pretty hard, but the Spaniard came out of the car alive. You blew out a huff of air you had held in as you saw your boyfriend was still driving. The conditions on the track were getting worse every minute, blinding rain pouring down on the asphalt. A crane was into the corner to drag the Marussia bolide out.
The whole pit box gasped as the second Marussia flew into the crane. You felt like your heart stopped beating. All the hairs on your body stood straight up at the sight of Jules flying into the barrier and the crane. The top of the car was gone, chopped off. Nose completely distroyed.
You wanted to scream, yell, cry, bur your lungs felt on fire and the burning smoke took your voice away. Your world started spinning as the paramedics came onto the circuit, speeding to his lifeless body that hung in the bolide. You sunk down to the ground, arms wrapped around your stomach and you wanted the pain to stop. You wanted your heart to stop beating so fast as the blood drilling through your veins and your ears couldn't take it.
Jules's mother was quick to wrap you up in her arms, crying as well as her son was barely alive. A helicopter brought him away to the hospital, hopefully quick enough to save him.
The rest of the hours, maybe it were minutes or seconds you spend to get away from the track, to get away from the sight of the crash that replayed itself over and over again in your head. You brain didn't capture those moments, just blankly staring out of the window during the car ride to the hospital.
You had the pounding headache and forced yourself to walk through and not collapse here right in the hallway. "Y/N?". Jules's brother cupped your cheeks and your eyes had that dull look in them. "Jules is kept in a coma and he's fighting for his life right now". Hot tears formed their river down your cheeks and you could only nod and let him hug you tightly.
The days, weeks, months passed so slow, so painfully slow and the hope you had for him to wake up got kicked away more and more.
"Here is were I want to live with you, grow old, get some kids". Jules sighed and leaned his head on your shoulder. You were on a tour through the French Alps and looked down at the gorgeous landscape that stretched out beneath you.
"Sounds good". You smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Jules smiled back at you and slipped his fingers through yours, wanting this moment to last forever.
You softly caressed his hair as you sat next to the hospital bed. He was transported back to France and they just continued with keeping him in a coma. Brain damage was always the most difficult thing, an operation could be too dangerous. However they were going to try this afternoon. The surgery was risky, but it was all or nothing.
You had found out yesterday you were pregnant and you hoped so dearly he would wake up from his coma. His wish for kids had been there for so many years and you could finally give him the best thing ever.
"I want you to wake up, Jules. We're waiting". You muttered and slipped your fingers through his.
You had to leave because of the surgery, but you wanted to be there as soon as he woke up. You propped yourself up on a chair in the hallway, not really caring they said you had to leave the hospital.
You eventually fell asleep in a cramped way and your legs ached from the position you sat in. "Miss? Could you come with us please?". The doctor asked you politely and you were wide awake. "D-Did he wake up?". You weren't sure if the doctor chose to ignore you or just remained silence. Both made you nervous.
He led you to Jules's room. "There she is". You heard softly and you saw Jules sitting up, his parents next to him on both sides. "Jules". You spoke and teared up immediately. "Ma cheriè". He muttered and you carefully crawled into his arms. You loudly sobbed as you were so afraid to loose him. "Don't cry, princess". Jules smiled and cupped your face. Your foreheads leaned against each other and he captured your lips in a tender way. A kiss you haven't felt in months and you wouldn't know what to do about it it he... if he never woke up.
"I want to marry you as soon as I'm getting out of here". Jules said, causing you and his mother to laugh. "Do you want to marry me?". He proposed immediately and you giggled. "Of course I want to". You kissed his lips again and sat on the edge of the bed.
"What's that?". Jules's eyes lit up at seeing your swollen stomach. "Yours". You replied and placed his hands on top of it. Now it was Jules's turn to tear up and his parents moved to kiss and hug you. "I love you so much". He muttered. "I love you too baby". You answered and caressed his cheeks.
After all this interactions, he was pretty tired and he leaned back on the pillow. You smiled and kissed his lips, causing him to smile before falling asleep. And thank God he woke up the next morning alive and well.
Summer 2017
It had taken Jules a while to fully recover as the crash had messed up his brain big time. In July of 2016 you gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl and you formed a happy family with the three of you. It was finally time for your wedding, which you had planned for a while. You wanted Jules to be able to fully enjoy it and that's why you had planned it now.
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On your father's arm you proudly walked towards Jules and the priest. He teared up at seeing you in that gorgeous dress. He had a bright smile on his handsome face and it made your heart skip a beat.
The times of his recovery where tough sometimes, but as a couple and now as husband and wife, it had made you stronger. Jules took your hands in his and you smiled up at him. You didn't even hear what the priest mumbled, you just rattled the part you had practiced and let Jules scoop you up, flush against his chest. His lips were sealed to yours and he could proudly call you his Mrs Bianchi.
A/N: Have to admit I cried during writing this, I'm an emotional wreck when it comes to Jules because I admired him so much. Wish he could have a life like I wrote. Thank you Jules and also Nicky Hayden, who we lost today, for making the racing series always amazing to watch. Forza ragazzi ❤️