Sociology Project - {Max Verstappen}

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A/N: This is for ohmyformula-one! Hope you like it :)

"Y/N's coming over to study". Victoria mentioned while typing away on her phone. Max rolled his eyes at even hearing your name. He scoffed at his sister and didn't reply anything as she knew he didn't get along with you that well. Victoria didn't even know why, he just randomly decided he wasn't fond of you.

Maybe it was because you treated him like everyone else, not a special F1 driver. Max was down to earth, but like showing off in front of girls he liked. Wait, girls he liked? Must be a mistake, because he really didn't like you.

Victoria jumped off her stool when the doorbell rang and she opened it gladly to see you. "Hey Vic". You smiled. "Hey, Y/N, come in". You stepped passed her and hung your leather jacket on the coat rack in the hallway. "He's at home, just ignore him". She muttered and you nodded, not even looking sideways when you walked through the living room to get upstairs.

Max looked over at you from his spot on the couch, faintly recognizing the print on your shirt as it was a band Daniel listened as well. He swallowed heavily when you went out of sight, getting his eyes back on the TV screen that was projecting a fifa game.

You went into Victoria's big room and got your books out of your bag, you decided to study Biology together as the subject of the next midterm was a bit confusing. The first part about the brain being in contact with love was pretty easy, but when it came to the nerve system, you lost it. Besides, you didn't find it that interesting.

Victoria dribbled up and down again to get something to drink and to eat. You were quiet when you read the first paragraph, but somehow your mind wandered off to Max. You had seen him in the corner of your eye, focused on the TV.

"What was your brother doing actually?". You spoke up and Victoria flicked the page before shrugging. "Fifa again, he's mostly playing that when he's bored". She said. "Doesn't he have to train or something?". You asked, not understanding why you'd want to play fifa every time you're bored. Victoria shrugged again.

"I don't know, maybe he stays at home because you were coming". She wiggled her perfect eyebrows and you scoffed at her. "I'd be the last person he'd stay home for, bet that he still leaves then". You had to admit the thought of it caused a blush to creep up on your cheeks, which didn't leave unnoticed by Max's sister.

"Would you do him?".

"Vic, my god!". You shrieked and you both burst into laughter. "I don't like him, he's rude towards me". You said and shook your head. "That's because he likes you, you potato". Victoria rolled her eyes and closed her book as you couldn't study anymore anyways.

"Well, I don't like him". You denied and picked your book up again.

"Whatever you say". Victoria chuckled. "Hey, for a project of sociology I'm busy with getting to know whenever your body starts to show the signs of dislike towards a person. My friend Matt and I wanted to test that, you've never met him right?".

You shook your head, not remembering ever meeting a Matt before. "Would you want to be our test person? Matt's a nice guy, I promise". You nodded with shrug, not minding to do that for your friend. Victoria almost couldn't believe you accepted it so easily. "Tomorrow evening he will be here to do the project, if you come around eight?".

When you left, the first thing Victoria did was dribble down stairs and jumped onto the couch next to her brother. "Dear Max". She started and clamped herself around his arm. "What is it?". He asked with a chuckle. "I'm doing a project for sociology with Noah, have you ever met her?". She started the same story as with you.

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