Cuddles - {Max Verstappen}

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A/N: For AlfiemakesmyDeyes ☺️

Work was very tiring lately, the only thing you wanted to do was come home and dive straight into bed. You sighed and unlocked the door, kicking off the uncomfortable heels and dropping your shoulder bag on the floor underneath the coat rack.

"Babe?". You heard your boyfriend calling. "Hi". You mumbled back. Max stood in the kitchen with a glass of water and a towel around his neck, which made you assume he had just been training. Normally you wouldn't mind your boyfriend a bit sweaty as he looked very attractive, however you didn't feel anything for it now.

Max smiled and moved his hand through your hair and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "How was work?". He asked as you went to make a cup of coffee. "Same shit, another day". You replied with a sigh, causing him to lightly chuckle. He stopped when he saw you weren't in for it.

"I'm going to take a shower". Max said and took your chin in his hand to make you look up at him, arm wrapping you up against his chest. His heart ached at seeing your tired eyes, bags visible under them. You managed to crack a small smile and briefly closed your eyes at the kiss he pressed onto your lips. Max walked to the bathroom.

You sighed loudly again and pulled a face as your coffee didn't taste like you wanted it to taste. You opened the bedroom door and searched for more comfortable clothes, which were a pair of sweats and one of Max's oversized shirts. You let yourself fall on the bed, staring at the ceiling and then curling up to take a nap, maybe even fall asleep till the morning came.

Max was a bit worried when he saw you like that, he came into the bedroom in his boxers and got a pair of sweats and his favorite sweater. "Don't you want something to eat?". Max asked and sat down on the bed next to you. You shook your head. "Do you want to watch a movie? Friday night is mostly our movie night".

Again you shook your head. "I just want to sleep". You said, voice cracking a little and he was almost afraid you were going to cry. "You don't even want a cuddle?". Max caressed your hair again, moving his fingers through your strands. You didn't reply as you wanted to be alone for a little while, but of course he wouldn't listen.

Max briefly went away, only to let a music list play on Spotify with some slow, sleepy music. You thought he went out of the room and you felt a bit guilty for being such a non affectionate girlfriend at the moment. The bed sunk again, deeper this time and a warm body wrapped around you.

You whimpered slightly as you actually didn't want to cuddle, but he didn't give you any choice. Max wrapped his strong, muscled arms around your waist, pulling your body against his chest. You twirled around in his embrace, your hands resting against his chest.

"Why are you always doing this". You mumbled against his chest. "Doing what?". His chest rumbled a bit with the low chuckle that left his lips.

"Being so sweet while I'm doing so horrible towards you". You replied and your fingers clenched the material of his blue sweater, the one you loved the most on him. "You're not doing horrible, princess. You're just tired, I've noticed more often this week". Max's fingers still combed your hair as his other arm rested on your hips.

He draped your legs over his waist to let you melt into his body. You contently sighed as this was indeed very nice. He was so warm and so cuddly with that sweater. Your head rested on his chest and one of your hands moved under his sweater to feel his warm skin.

Max placed some kisses on the side of your head, wrapping you completely up in his arms. The silence between you two was filled with the music in the background, your soft breaths and Max's humming the only things used to communicate. He looked down at you, caressing your cheek while your eyes were closed.

"I love you so much, baby girl". He whispered and played with your hair. "I love you too". You softly replied and let him twirl the strands around his fingers. You could hear his strong heart beating under his sweater and enjoyed the sound that matched yours exactly.

Bodies entwined and hearts in sync, true love is definitely real.

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