Soldier - {Daniel Ricciardo}

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A/N: Remember when I promised to write soldier!Dan? Here it is heheeeee


It was a hot day in Rome, actually Vatican City as it was a small country on its own. Today was the busiest day as the pope gave a speech this morning and the Saint Peter was open for visitors after one in the afternoon.

Hotness and a lot, but then a lot of people were the worst things that could happen at the same time in your experiences. The line to get into the most famous basilica seemed to be endless, you and your friend were standing here for almost an hour and you felt like you moved only a metre or four.

You didn't have any water left, only empty bottles to fill as you've been told there's clean drinking water in the fountain inside of the basilica. The burning sun shined down on the square you were standing, the light summer dress you wore was still not cool enough for you to stop sweating.

"Those military men are quite hot". Your friend giggled and you looked over at the patrolling soldiers that were here. There always were patrolling in Vatican city, but now some extra as anti-terrorism groups. Two of them looked at the crowd you were standing in, their eyes alert and scanning everybody up and down.

You giggled as well and went back to look at them. Both men were tall and broadly build, big guns in their hands and the Italian flag stitched on their suit. The bullet proof vest over it must be incredibly warm, but none of them seemed to be sweating. Their combat boots on their feet with the camouflage pants pushed in them.

You studied their faces as they weren't too far away from the crowd. One had very light eyes looked like he wasn't born here, face rather pale in comparison to the other. The second had a bronzed skin and gorgeous brown eyes with long lashes. From all of the people his eyes seemed to find yours immediately, his full lips quirking up in a small smile.

You gasped and looked away, afraid they might find it disrespectful to be stared at.

"What are you smiling at?". Max curiously asked and nudged Daniel's side with his elbow. "Bellissima ragazza". Daniel replied and Max rolled his eyes in response. "Next to that man with the Spanish flag". He said and nodded in your direction. His fellow soldier looked over and nodded in approval.

"A beauty she is for sure". Max replied and they went quickly back to their expressionless patrol, moving a bit from the left to right to scan the people and make sure everything was alright.

The longer you needed the stand, the worse you began to feel. The crowd shuffled closer around you and you found yourself pressed up against the yellow barrier on the side and between some other people. Your friend held your hand tightly to not lose each other now. Your breathing became uneven and your mind started to create the worst things that could happen.

You tried to calm yourself down, you could do this. However the sun seemed to burn into your skin with more heat every second, your throat felt like it was pressed close and a ton of concrete was dumped onto your chest. You started to hyperventilate from the too less space you had, your friend pusher herself through so she could face you.

She grabbed your face and your eyes started to roll back. "Y/N, look at me, breath". Your brain didn't even hear her voice and you were on the edge of fainting. Daniel was quick to spot you and he ran to your side, your friend already calling for help and more space for you. Nobody listened and the world turned around like you were on a rollercoaster.

His voice boomed through the audience as he yelled something in Italian, arms quick to wrap around your waist and pull you over the barriers in a swift motion. Your fingers clenched around the material of his camouflage jacket and the tears streamed down your face as you still found it hard to breath.

A military car was parked in the shade, fences around them. When his colleagues saw Daniel jogging their way, they quickly removed them. Daniel opened the door of the trunk and set you down, gently taking your face in your hands. "Can you hear me?". He asked, his eyes staring into yours. You nodded rather fast.

"Breath in slowly, count to ten, one, two, three...". You closed your eyes and you could finally shut the rest of the world down, focusing on getting your heart rate back to normal and your breathing even. He had taken off his gun, handing it over to another soldier as they were patrolling around the car. Daniel didn't want to scare you away.

"There you are again". He smiled when you opened your eyes and let out a sigh. You shyly smiled back at him. "You do speak English right?". Daniel's cheeks went slightly rosy as he had rambled in English while you could maybe only speak Italian.

"I do, it's fine". You replied. Daniel smiled yet again and your heart rate went almost up again at seeing the incredibly handsome soldier, you swore the uniform made him even more sexy than he already was. He reached out to brush some tears from your face and thanked another soldier that handed him a bottle of water.

"Here". He loosened the cap and handed it over to you. You gladly took it and drank a few sips. "You're getting some colour back on that gorgeous face, doll". Daniel smiled and took it back from you. You blushed even more and looked around you a bit, the shade was nice and cool.

"I'm afraid you have to miss the Saint Peter today though, it's almost closing time and the rows aren't getting shorter". He sighed and stood up to look at the crowd that was still waiting to go inside the big church. "I'm not getting in the row again anyway". You huffed, not even wanting to think about getting a panic attack in it again.

"Your friend's with my colleague, I told them to keep distance". Daniel continued and you nodded. Something about him showed the dominance of the soldier. You weren't sure if it was his way of speaking or his eyes, it just made a shiver ran up your spine. His gun was back around his neck, the metal weapon resting on stomach.

Before you could stand up he grabbed your arm and you blushed at the contact. "What's your name, princesa?". Daniel asked. "Y/N". You answered with a smile and shook his extended hand. "Soldier Daniel Ricciardo, at your service". You giggled as he let go of your hand.

"Let me make this trip to Vatican City up to you, if you want to of course". You blinked at his suggestion, did this soldier just ask you out?

"Sure, where do you want to meet again?". You asked.

"Your hotel, I could ask you to come over to here, but for a beautiful lady like you that's way too dangerous in the late hours of the day". Daniel shamelessly flirted and you giggled again. You heard other soldiers chuckling at their fellow soldier.

"Then I'll see you tonight". You smiled after handing the paper where you wrote your number and hotel on over to him.


A/N: of course there will be a part two, but like you've noticed most of my part 2's are gettin' sexy, so I'll leave it up to y'all. Part two with hot steamy scenes with soldier Dan or cute n fluffy. I can actually also try both lol, anyways, let me know!

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