Poseidon - {Max Verstappen} Part 2

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A/N: My god I'm so late with this, but as you could notice I had a lot of requests. Second part of my earlier Greek god series with Max is now here! 😇😂 Next one is probably with Hulkenberg, but I don't know yet!

"But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark. You should know you're beautiful just the way you are and you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart. No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful".

Scars To Your Beautiful // Alessia Cara

"Did you want my attention so dearly? Thought you had plenty girls that want your attention more than I want it, so why don't you got and waste their time?".

"You're not like the other girls". He said, now in a softer tone.

You pried a dry piece of skin from your lips with your teeth, not really knowing what to say. Your fingers put the strand of hair that fell in front of your eyes away. You didn't feel special with the normal, black hair and the dull brown eyes so you couldn't imagine why he'd be interested in you.

Every guy you ever met probably saw you as a friend, because you didn't feel like the pretty girl who longed for attention and the need to feel pretty.

You didn't wear short skirts or dresses, maybe for special occasions. Your face always make-up free, because what would it bring you if you went with all of that stuff on your face into fights with the monsters from outside of the camp?

Max looked at you as you had your arms crossed over your chest, eyes flickering down to the necklace that rested above the swell of your cleavage.

"You're positively different". He continued and you still didn't say anything, listening to what his low voice said and the sounds of the calm river in the woods. "You've taken my attention since the first moment I saw you". Max muttered and stepped closer to you.

His shadow fell over your face, but he could clearly see you. Your stubborn, dark eyes looking up at him. "I know you don't believe me, but do you know how gorgeous you are?". You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off by him.

"And for a chick, you're pretty damn cool". You chuckled slightly, biting on your lower lip to turn your head away. "Please, Y/N". Goosebumps rose upon your skin at the way your name rolled over his tongue and you just had to, you had to look up at him again.

Max's hand reached out to caress your cheek and his rough, calloused fingers tilted your head up so you had to look into those mesmerizing blue eyes.

His lips were soft on yours, way softer than expected and you placed your hands on his muscled shoulders, sliding them over his smooth skin to the nape of his neck to push him closer to you. A giggled escaped your mouth as he took you down with him in the grass, you landing on top of him.

Max was surprised by the blush on your cheeks, not knowing he could ever let the daughter of the War god feel like this. On Olympus, his father is probably cursing on him as he never really liked Ares.

Your hips were in a position that let his chest flutter and his teeth dug into his lower lip. Your teeth took a gentle hold of his lip and he groaned in response, his hands sliding down your body to get a firm hold on your bum.

Max tasted like the sea, a bit salty, yet taste you couldn't get enough of. But you knew you couldn't give yourself to Max fully, you enjoyed the thought of letting him wait and torture him before letting him have what he needed so badly.

You pinned his wrists down on the ground and he smirked slightly, liking the dominate side. But his smirk quickly faded as you pressed a last kiss to his lips, standing up.

"Where are you going?". Max slightly panted and sat up on his elbows.

"Going to sleep, what else would I be doing at this time of the night? You should too, Max". You had a sweet tone in your voice and a smile of satisfaction on your lips.

Max groaned and let himself fall back into the grass again, watching as you gave him a flirty wave and blew him a kiss before getting into your cabin.

He chuckled and shook his head as he laid there, in the middle of the night, left alone with an awkward boner.

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