Under The Track Lights - {Stoffel Vandoorne}

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A/N: for the lovely Tasha_Stan_Shady ! 💖 I also uploaded a Story Directory, you might want to take a look if you're interested in my stories and are curious what I'll write in the future!

"Linda? How do I look?". You twirled around in front of her, a sleek black dress on your body that hugged your curves nicely. On your feet a pair of matte black heels, your legs showing off quite a bit. "Babe, you look amazing". She smiled and kissed your cheek.

Your friend Linda was about to get married with her boyfriend Fernando Alonso and was giving her hen party in the motorhome of McLaren Honda, in style of course. Fernando's whole crew was invited as well and you looked forward to meet them. The motorhome was nicely decorated, loads of food and booze was there. It was guaranteed you'd have a good time.

Linda was dressed in a gorgeous red two piece chiffon dress, her figure standing out. She hooked her arm in yours as the taxi driver came to bring you to the circuit park. He greeted you with a bright smile and opened the door for Linda and you.

You felt slightly nervous about meeting the rest, as you knew only two or three people next to Linda and Fernando.

It didn't take long before you arrived, the party started in ten minutes, so you were right on time. Fernando greeted Linda with a smile and a kiss on her lips, wrapping you up in a hug. "Gorgeous ladies, let's get this party started". Fernando was already sipping on a glass of champagne, causing you to laugh.

Soon enough the place was crowded with people, all the friends and family of Linda were there. Linda flew from left to right and you looked a bit around yourself, making small talks with some mechanics and engineers. You lazily sipped on your martini.

The music was loud and the spacious room became very hot in no time. You needed some fresh air, however when you stepped outside, the air was pretty damn fresh. You wandered on, recognizing the pit lane and other motorhomes that weren't lighted up like McLaren's was.

Your clicking heels against the floor had caught someone's attention. Stoffel looked up as you walked by, not even noticing him leaning against the fence of parc fermé. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you shivered against the cold night air.

"Isn't it too cold to walk outside like that?". Stoffel's low voice asked, causing you to gasp in surprise. You looked his way, glad he couldn't see your blushing cheeks.

"It's fine". You said, still shivering a bit. You stepped his way as you didn't want to be rude and just walk away. "Why aren't you inside?". You asked with a small smile. He wore a black leather jacket and a grey shirt, black jeans underneath it. His blue eyes studied you quietly, grin tugging on his lips.

"I can ask you the same". The grin turned into a smile, blue eyes sparkling in the faint light of the track.

"I just wanted some fresh air. Besides Linda is everywhere and nowhere, I'm kinda on my own". You chuckled, leaning against the same fence as he was leaning on.

"I'm Stoffel by the way". He extended his hand for you to shake. You introduced yourself as well Stoffel's grip was firm and to surprise he brought it up to his face to press a kiss on your knuckles. You blushed even more, looking away from him. "You look stunning, Y/N". Stoffel smiled at you.

"Thank you". You mumbled, looking up at him. "Are you here with your boyfriend or just a friend?". Stoffel randomly asked. "Just a friend, I don't have a boyfriend". You explained with a small smile.

"Oh". Stoffel blinked in surprise as he had expected you to have a boyfriend. He thought you looked absolutely beautiful and he wanted nothing more than talk with you the whole evening. You were still shivering a bit and he shook the leather jacket off of his shoulders.

"Here". The Belgian placed it around you, smoothening the fabric out down your back. Your breath hitched at the contact and you looked up at him again. Stoffel studied your face quietly, not getting enough of the way your eyes lit up.

"You're not from here, are you?". You asked, realizing how close you were standing to him.

"I'm from Belgium". He answered with a smile and you now understood the slight accent in his english. "You know this whole time your lips are just distracting me...". Stoffel muttered, his hand reaching out to comb through the strands that hung next to your face, softly tugging them behind your ear.

"Why don't you concentrate on them then?". You muttered back. Stoffel smiled and his fingers went down to your chin, angling his face up to his. His lips felt soft against yours, his hand now cupping the side of your neck. Your lips captured his in a tender way, causing him to sigh contently.

Your hands rested on his chest, wandering down to his midriff to grab the material of his shirt between your fingers. The smell of his cologne made your knees weak and you were glad one hand rested on your lower back.  His tongue ran over your lower lip and his teeth bit softly, yet playfully down, tugging on your lip in a gentle way.

You giggled at Stoffel's move and he pressed his lips against your forehead. Your fingers let go of him, but he was quick go push you flush against himself. "What about us getting out of here?". Stoffel suggested with a smirk and you shyly nodded. You pulled the jacket tighter around yourself.

Stoffel smiled and grabbed your hand entwining your fingers. Electricity ran up his spine at the way your palms fitted together.

"Let's go then".

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