How You Remind Me - {Artem Markelov}

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A/N: For the lovely Comparedtoyou ❤️ because I've been complaining that there isn't enough stuff written of Artem and she gave me an amazing idea :)

Lyrics of the song How You Remind Me by Avril Lavigne (originally by Nickelback) is between brackets.

Warning: Sexual content (I'll mention where it is PG13+ and where not)

You looked at your reflection in the mirror as the make-up artist brushed some kind of product on your face. You had to dance tonight as an opening for the concert of Kristina Markelov.

Kristina is a good friend of yours and she knew damn well what was going on between you and her brother Artem.

You and Artem have been in a relationship for over a year, but he decided to cut it off a couple weeks ago. You couldn't do anything but accept what he was saying, you didn't understand though, but you didn't want to break up with a big fight.

"Listen, Y/N, we need to talk". Artem said as he sat down on the couch in your shared apartment in Moscow. You looked up at him with a concerned look and closed the book you were reading.

"What is it?". You asked.

Artem wetted his lips and opened his mouth to speak, but he blinked and looked away. He cleared his throat and eyed the sweater you were wearing, which was his. "It's us, it's...". He stopped and leaned his elbows on his knees.

"I think we need to split our ways, my career, it's getting busier within the minute and you're dancing career". He said, looking into your eyes.

You were confused, you didn't understand. Why did he want to break up? Artem had told you how much he loved you a few days ago as you had a movie night and laid cuddling on the couch.

"I don't get it... Artem, we knew that we had busy lives all the time, why is it suddenly a problem? Did you find another woman?". You stammered, biting your lip not to cry.

"Of course not". He scoffed at your thought of him with another woman. "I just think our busy careers are driving us apart, I think it's better to...". Artem's lips trembled.

"Break up". You finished for him with a soft voice.

"Y/N?". The make-up artist said and shook you from your thoughts. "Sorry, what?". You asked, looking up at her. "Could you close your eyes for me?". You nodded and closed your eyes so she could apply the eyeliner.

After a few minutes you were completely done and you looked good, your outfit tight against your body and you would enjoy all the glamour normally, but the fact that you were still heartbroken made you want to crawl away and don't even dance.

Artem sat down on a seat in the front row, which his sister had arranged. Some kind of dancer would open the concert and he was curious how this whole concert would go. The lights were dimmed and he couldn't see a thing for a moment.

The piano started playing and he could see a woman kneeled on the ground.

{Never made it as a wise man,
couldn't cut it as a poor man steeling.
Tired of living like a blind man.
Sick of sight without a sense of feeling}

Artem recognized the song as it was another version of the Nickelback song. His breath hitched in his throat as he saw the dancer. You. He needed only one look and he saw you. Your hair that rich colour he always loved.

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