Attention - {Carlos Sainz Jr} Part 2

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A/N: The second part of the one shot I wrote earlier :) It's for xxCraycraymofo!

Warning: Sexual content


"Ah man, Y/N, come on!". You heard him calling after you and you left the house with a smirk, pulling the car keys from your pocket. You started the engine and drove away, looking over at your phone that laid on the passenger's as the screen lightened up.

Carlitos: You're so getting it tonight.

You had told your friend exactly what happened before you left the house to get over at hers. She had squealed at your story and you both giggled like you were 16 year olds in high school again.

You stayed over at hers to get some pizza, you figured Carlos could take care of himself very well and you received a message from Instagram that Carlos posted a new picture. You groaned and shove your phone over to your friend.

 You groaned and shove your phone over to your friend

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"He's teasing you now". She wiggled her eyebrows and stood up to throw the paper boxes away. "I don't even want to go home now". You laughed and clasped your hand over your mouth as the other held your phone.

"Yes, you do. Get out". Your friend shrieked and giggled as she of course knew what would be waiting for you when you get home. You sighed and got your jacket and your car keys, giving her a hug before getting into your car.

Carlos saw the headlights of the car shining through the window as you turned onto the porch. The engine was off and he heard the door slam close. He smirked at himself and heard you coming into your apartment.

You went into the kitchen after hanging your jacket on the coat rack. You kicked your shoes off and went towards the fridge to get some water. You even had to admit you were slightly nervous and took a sip of your glass.

You yelped as you were pushed up against the kitchen table, his warm breath ghosting over your neck. "Hi, doll". His voice purred into your ear.

"Hey". You muttered and looked over your shoulder.

Carlos took the glass of water from your hand to put it far enough away so it couldn't fall. "How was your friend?". He asked, lips now wandering over the bare skin of your shoulder. "G-good". You stammered, slightly tilting your head to the side so he could have better access.

He grinned at your shaky voice, wrapping you up in his arms in the process. Carlos still wore your favourite sweater on him and hands wandered down your body to the hem of your shirt. You gasped as he pulled it over your head.

Carlos tucked your hair over one shoulder, kissing down your neck and shoulder blades. "You didn't forget what I texted you earlier, right?". Voice, low and taunting in your ear and causing goosebumps to rise upon your skin.

You shook your head and he kissed your cheek. "Good girl". Carlos muttered, fingers hooking into the belt loops of your jeans and pulling your bum against his hips. "Because I meant it". He twirled you around to look into your eyes and you stared up at him with a blush on your cheeks.

He pressed his lips on yours and you whimpered slightly as he forced you to sit on the kitchen table, his hands squeezing your sides.

"I have one rule". Carlos gently grabbed your jaw to make sure you were looking at him. "Not one single sound will I hear from your mouth". He nibbled on his lip as you nodded, but swallowed hard.

He pulled the sweater he wore over his head and revealed his muscular body you loved to trace whenever he wasn't wearing a shirt. You squeezed your thighs together, huffing slightly as he didn't give you any attention at the moment.

Carlos chuckled and smashed your lips together again, his tongue running over your lower lip and you automatically parted them to let him deepen the kiss.

You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer and get some friction you desperately needed. His lips wandered down your throat and gently kissed the swell of your breasts. His fingers unclasped the clip and left your front bare.

"You're perfect". He mumbled against your skin and you blushed slightly at his comment. Your hands were tangled in his raven coloured hair as his curious eyes wandered down your body. Before you knew it you were lifted by him and your jeans were pulled down your legs.

Carlos pinned you down on the table and traced your stomach down till the elastic band of your panties. The brown eyes intently looked into your brighter ones as his fingers went further down. You gasped at his delicate touched and wanted to press your legs together.

He easily kept them spread and watch how you almost let the whimpers pass your lips. Your lips red from biting on them so hard. Your breathing was heavy and uneven, chest going up and down rapidly as he pushed two fingers in slowly.

Carlos kissed your stomach before replacing his mouth with his fingers and you looked down at him, which you should've never done. You placed your hands over your mouth to not cry out his name as you felt the shocks of pleasure running through your body.

His palms covered your stomach to keep you calm as his mouth devoured you in ways you would never imagine when you came home from work today.

The iron grip on your thighs made it impossible for you to pull away or close your legs. It was getting really hard to not make a sound and you took deep breaths to try and control yourself. He suddenly pushed you over the edge and you sat up to tangle your fingers in his hair, sweat forming on your forehead.

He had a sly grin on his face as your thighs were shaking slightly and Carlos reached up to kiss you. You didn't know when he did it so quickly, but his sweatpants were nowhere to be found and he kicked his boxers away.

Carlos didn't give you any time to calm down and pushed his hips into yours. "Jesus, Carlos!". You cried out, not able to hold it in anymore. He was too concentrated to think about the rule he had for you earlier and pulled on your waist to get you closer to his body.

He let out a low grunt and his eyes shifted from where your bodies connected to your eyes to stare into them. You looked back at him with hooded lids, trying to keep your eyes open and look at him. Carlos rested one hand on your hip while the other cupped your cheek to kiss you.

Your lips just brushed over each other and he listened to your quiet whimpers that escaped yours. You moved your hands to get the hair that stuck to his forehead a little away from in front of his eyes.

Carlos closed his eyes at your gesture, loving the feeling of your fingers through his hair. You mewled at a hard snap of his hips, fingers curling around his biceps.

He hissed as your nails pressed into his skin, but your grip soon loosened as you got to your release and he soon followed. "Easy, babe". Carlos rocked you back and forth softly as you were shaking slightly clinging to his body.

You giggled slightly and leaned your head on his chest. Carlos pulled away for a short time to get a warm towel to clean your thighs.

He had completely worn you out by all the activities and he picked you up after he pulled his sweater over your head to bring you to bed. Carlos laid you down as if you were a porcelain doll, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Carlos smiled and caressed your cheek before bending down to kiss you.

"I love youuuu". You said, dragging the last letter a bit.

"I love you too". He said and smiled as you closed your eyes.

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