Hate Is A Strong Word - {Daniel Ricciardo} Part 2

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A/N: A second part to my earlier one shot with Daniel as well. It's for LisaStarWars, hope you like it babe!

Oh and before I forget, NinaNessa3636 wrote me an amazing one shot with one of my favourite guitarists and she writes one shots for every band member you prefer, definitely worth to take a look and of course send her a request 😏💖

His hands wandered down your sides to your lower back, pushing you flush against him. The scruff on Daniel's cheeks and chin slightly tickled you and you placed your hands over it. You could finally breath as his lips ducked down to the exposed skin of your neck.

The feminine scent of your perfume got him dizzy and his nose ran down your throat. He looked up at you as you let out another whine. The pupils of his brown eyes were blown wide.

"D-do you want to come in?". You stammered, a bit breathless by the sudden kiss.

"I'd love to". Daniel grinned.

You were careful where you stepped as your hotel room was dark, only the moonlight slightly lightening up the dark area. Daniel closed the door behind you and you placed your hand on the table to steady yourself and take your heels off.

Daniel chuckled as you were immediately a couple inches smaller than him and you weren't that tall with your shoes still on either.

"Sometimes you realize how close hate is to love". His voice huskily whispered, closing the space between you two. Your eyes figured his face out, getting used to the dim lighted room. "How much easier it would be if we realized earlier". You giggled.

You loved the dark rumble you erupted from his chest, his smile like a burning torch in the dark. You looked at each other for a moment and it didn't take him too long to press his lips against yours again.

"You could be a real asshole sometimes, did you know?". You mumbled against his lips as your fingers fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

Daniel pulled away for a moment to throw the material over his head. "I know". He said, grabbing your waist to push you up against himself.

You squeaked as the Australian pulled you up and laid you down on the bed. "Did you know how stubborn and bitchy you could be?". Daniel shot back and nipped at the skin of your neck.

You gasped as he sharply sucked, leaving his mark on your neck, his hands stroking the material of your dress up towards your waist.

"You deserved it". You laughed and let your hands roam over his shoulders, your fingertips tingling at the feeling of his smooth skin. Your fingers explored his muscled back and you raised your eyebrows as he flexed so you could feel the swollen muscles.

"Trying to hit on me, Ricciardo?". The tone in your voice challenging.

You yelped as his hand came down on your bum with a pretty hard smack and you looked at the cocky grin on his face that took your comment a bit too literal.

"Definitely". He answered and you pushed him off of you to take your dress off. Daniel leaned his hands behind his head and you nibbled on your lip at the sight of his biceps.

You never broke the eye contact as you pushed the black dress off your shoulder and it pooled around your ankles. Daniel reached out for you again, wanting to pull you close so he could hold you in his strong arms.

"Fuck, you're perfect". The Australian hissed and you automatically wrapped your legs around his waist as he laid you down again, hovering over you with his heavier body.

His abs were pressed against your soft skin and your breathing became uneven as he kissed a path down your stomach, teasingly kissing around your panties. You groaned with frustration as his lips went to trace your thighs first.

Daniel grinned as he finally released you from his teasing, his fingers slipping into your panties to rip them away from you and scoffed in disbelieve.

"Those are Victoria's Secret!". You managed to shriek before his lips attacked you.

"I'll buy you new ones". He shrugged and made sure you couldn't close your thighs around his head. Your fingers reached for his hair and twirled themselves through his chocolate curls.

Daniel's scruff scraped against your inner thighs, causing to leave a burning feeling.

Somehow the pain and the pleasure was a hot mix and you whimpered as he looked up at you through his long lashes.

Daniel had to look up at you, he needed to see your beautiful face that was now even more beautiful. Your lips parted and your head tilted backwards.

His hand snaked around your lower abdomen to try to control your moves as you arched your back in an attempt to get him closer to your core.

You gasped as you felt the high washing over you, never expecting you'd reach one with the Australian driver between your legs.

Daniel delicately kissed the red skin that his scruff caused and worked his ways upwards, gently cupping your jaw to kiss you.

You slightly panted and a small layer of sweat was on your forehead. You jolted forward at the feeling of his denim jeans and he chuckled.

"This night isn't over yet, doll". He purred in your ear.

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