Anxiety - {Lewis Hamilton}

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A/N: This is for the lovely xxcraycraymofo ! Hope you like it 😇

Disclaimer: in no way I mean to offend anyone with anxiety in this one shot. If you have anxiety disorder, please know that there is nothing to be ashamed of, you're beautiful and you're you. I don't have anxiety myself, so I hope I wrote it okay!

You were already nervous at hearing the words 'London, many fans, sponsor event'. You tried to hide it as you sat next to Lewis in his expensive Mercedes. Your nails tapped against the door and he let an annoyed sigh pass his lips. "Babe, please. Stop that". He said and briefly looked over at you.

"Sorry". You mumbled and placed your hands in your lap, only to bounce your knee up and down. Due to the rainy London, you were dressed in a pair of skinnies and a simple white shirt tucked in it. Your hair was secured into a bun with a few bobby pins and you were fine with that, but you started hesitating about it as you looked in the mirror.

"You look fine". Lewis answered with a small smile before you could ask the question, causing you to blush.

The Brit parked the car and another man was quick to take his keys and make sure the car was driven to somewhere safe. You already heard the screaming fans that stood in front of the building, and you knew he loved his fans so he'd definitely say hello, if he could to each of them.

The scenarios already formed in your head. What if his fans hated you? What if they thought you were ugly? What if they would speak to you? What would you have to say if one of them tries to talk to you? You felt your heart starting to race already and you rushed to clamp yourself around Lewis's arm. He smiled and kissed your cheek, yet slightly pulling away as you came near the big crowd.

"Hey! Hello everybody!". Lewis chirped and the crowd moved even closer to you. You held tighter onto Lewis's hand when some of them extended their hands to touch him. Oh god, what if they touched you? "Lewis, is that your girlfriend?". Your head shot up at the question and it suddenly felt like everybody was staring at you. They must think you're weird. Yes that's what it is.

Your heart pounded in your chest and you felt on the edge of crying, breathing starting to become uneven. "Lewis...". You whimpered and pulled on his arm again, hoping he could save you or give you a safe feeling. "Baby not now, I don't see these fans everyday". Oh, so because he saw you everyday it wasn't important. He continued to sign some caps and pictures and took selfies with them.

"I can't breathe...". You almost started hyperventilating. "Stop, please. It's always the same". He answered and you couldn't believe what he said. You turned around and needed to get away from this place. A guard was quick to catch you and pulled you aside. "Ma'am, are you alright?". Your head shook no and you tried to say something, but your throat was too raw and dry to speak.

"Come with me please". The guard got you inside the building and the doors closing behind you already gave a wave of silence. Still your breathing was uneven and you didn't know where they came from, but other paramedics were quick to help you. You breathed in through a bag to get it under control again, sitting in a quiet room now. You closed your eyes and counted till 5 before you exhaled again.

Tears streamed down your face from the ashamed feeling, while there was actually nothing to be ashamed off. "I want to go home". You muttered after a cup of water. One of Lewis's guards agreed on driving you back to the apartment you shared with him and you thanked him for his services.

You took a hot shower and then curled up on the couch in front of the TV with a comfy pair of sweats and a sweater. The door opened and closed and you knew it was Lewis. "Princess?". He called, but you didn't respond. "Here you are". He said and you looked up at him with your bloodshot eyes.

"Baby, I'm so sorry". He muttered and kneeled down in front of you.

"Did you know how much you hurt me?". You asked, your lips trembling slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "You know I can get anxiety attacks and you just straight up told me your fans were more important than me at that moment".

Lewis could sense you were mad now and he gave you all the right to be, because what he did was a dick move for sure. "I never meant it that way, I didn't want to hurt you". He took your hands in his to entwine your fingers. "I need to understand what to do at those kind of moments, okay? Why don't write a list of what I can do tomorrow so I can bring it everywhere we go?". Lewis suggested and you nodded.

"Okay". Your voice croaked a bit and he pulled you into his embrace. "I'm sorry, princess". Lewis muttered in your hair again. "It's okay". You replied, your voice a bit muffled by his shirt.

"No, it's not. But we'll figure that out". He continued. "I love you". Lewis said and your heart fluttered with love again. "I love you too". You replied, a smile on your face again.

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