We Are The Champions - {Kimi Räikkönen}

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A/N: Love the Kimi requests I'm getting lately! This one is for moon_child_x ! Hope you like it love 😇💖

Kimi was getting ready for the last race of the 2017 season. It was hot in Abu Dhabi and you were waving a piece of paper in front of your face to get some fresh air as you stood next to him in the Ferrari pit box.

"Why don't you sit down, prinsessa?". His tone sweet, yet concerned as he eyed your hand on your pregnant belly.

"I'm fine. I'll sit down as soon as you sit down as well". You smiled and leaned onto his side, the overall smooth against your bare arms. Kimi smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of your head.

He was afraid that you'll stress too much and he had arranged that his PA and trainer would keep an eye on you to make sure you and your baby were perfectly fine in the Arabian heat.

You felt yourself getting slightly nervous as your driver pulled the balaclava over his head and pulled the helmet over it, locking the straps underneath his chin. "It's time for me to go". His voice muffled by the layers, but you understood what he said.

You giggled as you kissed the helmet and he softly caressed your belly before hopping into the car. His trainer gently touched your arm and brought you to the place where you'd be close to the air conditioner and to the screens to follow everything.

This race was the most nerve-wracking ever. As the title competition was last year between the two Mercedes drivers Hamilton and Rosberg, this year it was the hard competition between the two Ferrari drivers.

How much Seb and Kimi liked each other didn't matter on the track anymore. Especially not on Yas Marina tonight.

Of course you hoped he'd win the drivers world championship, but if Kimi didn't, you'd still be very very proud of him and wish Seb all the best with his trophy.

You sat back in the chair with your hands folded over your baby bump, hearing through your head phones everything that was being said to Kimi and what Kimi said back over the board radio.

You sat up at hearing the word 'puncture' but you saw Kimi's Ferrari flashing by and stopping for four new compounds and then speeding away again and you could sit back (not so) relaxed because the last laps were coming now.

Seb was on his tail the whole time, but the team let them fight after telling them to keep it clean. You nibbled on your lip and bit your nails as Bottas came out of nowhere the last lap and you knew Bottas could be first and Kimi second and he'd still be worldchampion. Kimi just needed to keep Seb behind him and he'd win.

It sounded so easy, but you knew it wasn't. Kimi had trained so hard for this race, had trained so hard for the championship he had longed so hard for and you hoped from the bottom of your heart that he'd win this race.

The other Ferrari driver and the Mercedes driver hooked off the last corner and you could hear Kimi cheering for his team as he drove over the chequered flag. The whole pit box went completely nuts and you just started crying from all the emotions. His engineer tried to congratulate him but he was still rambling something about how grateful he was to the team and how happy he was now.

Kimi turned a couple donuts in a curve of the circuit but then quickly hopped out, not really caring if his bolide was in the way because he wanted to get to you as soon as possible.

He quickly crossed the pit lane and everybody looked at him with a strange look. "Eh podium is the other way!". Sebastian called after him with a joking undertone, knowing he'd want to see his wife first.

Kimi ran in the pit box and walked up to you, his heart sinking as you were crying.

"I'm so proud of you babe". You said as he took you in his arms and gently twirled your around. "We're the champions". Kimi smiled and bit his lip not to cry as well, ducking his face down to give you a cute eskimo kiss.

Britta threw a Finnish flag around you and you took one side of the flag as Kimi took the other. The photographers of course took many pictures of this. You preferred to not stand behind the fence with the other Ferrari team members as you wanted to protect your belly.

Kimi had arranged that you could come up to the podium room and he needed to sit down for a minute to realise that this was real, that he wasn't dreaming and he kneaded in your hand softly as you sat on his lap.

Sebastian came in and congratulated his team mate and you as well by giving you a hug and a kiss to your cheek.

After Kimi got his trophy and the champagne, he found the press conference rather boring and he couldn't wait to get away with you as he had a special thing planned with certain golden ring in a small box.

You watched from the sides as he answered the questions from the journalists. Kimi stole glances from your side and you giggled every time.

When Kimi was finally off of all the things, he got a shower and searched you as quickly as possible, a flight back to your little place in Finland already on the schedule. "Let's get away from this crazy place". The Fin said and took your hand in his, entwining your fingers.

"Have something on the planning then?". You asked teasingly.

"Maybe". He smirked and leaned down to kiss you.

"What is it?". You asked curiously as you placed your hands on his chest.

"A surprise, but I'm pretty sure you'll like it, Mrs Raikkönen". Kimi said casually as he pulled on your arm to walk forward. You repeated the words in your head to make sure you heard them and then gasped. Kimi smiled as you got what he meant.

With baby Räikkönen coming soon, he realised he wanted to marry you so dearly. He felt ready for it as you were starting your little family and he wanted to call you his now fully by also taking your surname and replacing it by his.

You smiled and looked up at him with a dreamy face, because Y/N Räikkönen sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

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