Meeting You

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Jade smirked as she walked through the hallways with everyone's eyes on her. The new red suit she wore complimented her figure like a second skin.

"Harls!" A voice called she immediately stopped hearing a name only people close to her called her

She turned seeing Seth then she smiled

"Hey Seth," she said he grinned

"Your dad's asking for you." Seth informed Harley nodded and the clicking of her heels began as she adjusted her bun and entered the office

"Wanted to see me?" She said noticing a tall, blonde/brown haired guy sitting on the other side of her dad's desk

"Dean, this is my daughter Harley." Her dad introduced

"Jade." She said extending her hand

Dean smirked

"Well, aren't you a hot one, and those legs." He smirked

She pulled away her hand disgusted and rolled her eyes

"Yes, like I was saying," her dad continued trying but failing to hide his amusement

"You two are gonna be involved in a romantic storyline next Smackdown, but you'll be "hiding" it from the authority." Her dad informed her

She rolled her eyes while Dean smirked

She walked out and went about her business

She stood near a monitor when she heard a strange, unfamiliar theme song begin. Then DoucheFace from earlier ran out and attacked Seth

She couldn't keep the scorn off her face

She then turned away from the monitor and walked into her office, shaking her head

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