The Little Sister

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Evelyn was making her daily route around the building making sure everything was running smoothly when a blonde bouncing ball grabbed around her legs. Jade's hand instantly went down to rub the child's back before she realized this crying child was her little sister, she instantly bent a leg and took her sister into her arms doing her best to console her baby sister

"What happened princess?" She asked softly into her sister's ear

"Mommy, mommy y-yelled at me." She stammered sobbing into her sister's shoulder

"Princess," Jade smiled and pushed Vaughn at an arms length before she wiped Vaughn's eyes

"Princess, you know when Steph- when your mom yells, she's very aggravated, she doesn't mean anything by it, now, smartie, what did you do?" Jade asked smirking

"I ruined her makeup," Vaughn sniffled

"See princess, you know how your mom feels about you girls going into her makeup without her permission?"

Vaughn nodded glumly

"So you know what you did was wrong?" Jade asked

Vaughn nodded

"And are you sorry?"

Vaughn nodded

"Good girl, and remember mom and dad have rules to make sure we don't get hurt and we are not to break those rules you know Mommy's makeup is very expensive right?" Jade reprimanded

Vaughn nodded, sticking a finger in her mouth

Jade smiled at the little cutie.

"And are you gonna apologize to mommy?" Jade asked

Vaughn nodded yet again

"Good girl, let's go to catering, you want a cupcake princess?" Jade asked pulling Vaughn's finger out of her mouth and pulling Vaughn on her hip

Vaughn cheered and Jade smiled and walked with her sister to catering

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