Rekindle A Friendship

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Jade woke up next to a cold bed

"Dean?" She called, looking around, she didn't hear him in the shower or in the kitchen and to be honest that's 2 of the places he always was

She began to get worried and flung the blankets off and ran downstairs, the door was still locked though

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

She heard keys jingling, then she heard the door swing open

Dean's confused eyes met hers

"Babe, why are you up so soon?" He asked, looking at her

"Babe, why are you up so soon?" He asked, looking at her

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"Morning by the way," he said pecking her lips

"Morning," she replied after he pulled back

"You weren't there when I got up," she replied

Dean chuckled

"We should get ready to head back baby," he said

"I'm gonna shower be right back babe," he said heading upstairs

She nodded and picked up her bags and left them by the door before she took a shower in the downstairs bathroom

Dean got ready and picked up their bags and put them in the car while Jade did her makeup

She got ready and walked to the car and Dean began driving

They made comfortable small talk as they made their way to the arena

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They made comfortable small talk as they made their way to the arena

When they got to the arena, Dean went and met fans

Jade smiled and kissed him as they began their walk into the arena

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Jade smiled and kissed him as they began their walk into the arena

"Babe!" Her dad said, rushing to his daughter

He hugged her, smiling

"Hi daddy!" She replied hugging him back

"Deano, big promo later!" He said clapping Dean's shoulder

"I'm looking forward to it," he replied smiling at Triple H

He nodded and walked away

"I'm gonna get ready, see you baby," he said, kissing her forehead and leaving her

She needed someone to talk to, she was all alone and all her friends weren't there yet

Someone covered her eyes, she panicked and placed her hand over the hands that covered her eyes

"Guess who?" She heard a familiar voice ask, she could hear the smirk

"Randy," she said, smiling

"What up?" He said as he removed his hands

"Nothing much," she said noticing he was already in his gear

"Are you doing anything right now?" She asked

He contemplated before shaking his head

"I don't think so." He replied sighing

"Why? what's up?" He said folding his arms

"Wanna hang?" She asked with a polite face

"As friends?" He asked

"Yeah, obviously as friends." She replied

"Oh well, uh sure," he shrugged and they went to catering

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