Picture Perfect Memories

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"What's going on?" Jade asked, smiling as Xavier had his hands over her eyes and Kofi had his hands over Dean's while Big E directed traffic and Jade and Dean held hands

"It's a surprise," Xavier replied, leading them into a room

"I swear if you assholes throw cake on us." Dean said, sounding like it was meant to be a threat but it just sounded like an empty, fun threat

They were led to a couch and pushed down to sit, Dean landed first and Jade landed partially on his chest as their vision was returned to see a computer with a black screen in front of them

"What's going on?" Jade asked, looking up at The New Day in confusion,

"Some friends who'll be revealed at the end made a little video for your anniversary," Kofi replied as Xavier set up his camera

"Hey guys, it's Austin Creed and I'm here with Jade and Dean Ambrose, but today, is gonna be a little different, we aren't gonna play any games, we have a little video for the 5 year old married couple," Xavier said

"Now as you may or may not know, tomorrow is Jade and Dean's 5 years of wedded bliss anniversary, and some of their friends have decided to help them celebrate," he elaborated

Jade looked at Dean who shrugged

Xavier pressed play on the video and it started with Dean and Jade's name

"For all those times that you stood by me," began

Jade smiled as she watched Dean smiling at her, while she spoke, then it changed to when Dean and Jade were kissing at the guerrilla before his match with Jade's dad.

Tears filled in her eyes as she watched Dean laugh as Jade was on his back, getting a piggyback ride from him, then it cut to when they were dancing in the rain, after their first date, Jade wondered how they got that footage. Dean wiped under his eyes as Jade pointed out and mouthed "I love you" in the video, he remembered filming that. Then he pointed at her behind the camera and mouthed "I love you" back at her.

Then it cut to Dean laughing at something she said, holding 3 boxes while Jade walked behind with a box as they walked into his house, then it moved to when they were jogging and Jade turned before she turned back and saw Dean on his knee, they didn't see Dean but they heard the speech and both Dean and Jade felt tears in their eyes as she heard Dean's speech, and Dean heard her answer and the ring slid on her finger

Then some pictures from their wedding began showing while Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me" continued playing in the background

Then some pictures from their wedding began showing while Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me" continued playing in the background

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Jade felt Dean chuckle from where her head was on his shoulder and their hands were joined on top Dean's lap

She smiled, this was so beautiful

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