The Big Announcement

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Jade smirked as she stood backstage at the guerilla, waiting for her theme song to start

That's My Girl started and Jade smirked as she walked down the ramp and smiled as she walked up the steps and got into the ring
She waited for the cheers to die down before raising the mic to her lips

"So I've said today I would have a big announcement to reveal whose corner I'm gonna be in at No Mercy," she paused

"So the person whose corner I'm gonna be it is the most amazing guy in the world and he taught me so much and I'll endlessly love him. He's always been there for me," Jade said smirking

 He's always been there for me," Jade said smirking

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"And his name is...Dean Ambrose." Jade said with a smirk and a proud look as Retaliation hit

" Jade said with a smirk and a proud look as Retaliation hit

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She grinned and clapped as Dean walked out

She smirked as he unzipped his jacket and slid into the ring, he went up on the top rope and raised his arms before coming back down and kissing Jade, while getting a mic

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She smirked as he unzipped his jacket and slid into the ring, he went up on the top rope and raised his arms before coming back down and kissing Jade, while getting a mic

"That announcement really shocked me baby girl. Not!" He said laughing

"I mean really, was there any doubt about who she'd choose? Would she choose a pathetic excuse of a father? Or would she choose her soon to be husband, whose been there for her every step of the way?" He said tapping his temple

"I've taken your daughter Trips, and at No Mercy, I'm coming for that championship, and there's not a damn thing you can do abou-" Dean didn't get to finish as King of Kings began and Hunter came out, flashing his title

"I've taken your daughter Trips, and at No Mercy, I'm coming for that championship, and there's not a damn thing you can do abou-" Dean didn't get to finish as King of Kings began and Hunter came out, flashing his title

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"That's where you're wrong Ambrose, my daughter is clearly too infatuated with your lunacy to see who the clear winner will be, it won't be you Mr. Ambrose, no, no, no, the winner and still the champion is gonna be me." Triple H said, growling and pointing to himself while staying on the top of the ramp

Jade rolled her eyes as Dean turned and smirked at her

"Lot of big talk coming from the COO, but why doesn't the big, high and mighty COO come and back up what's coming out of his mouth?" Dean replied with a smirk

"Oh please, when I choose to face you in the ring is gonna be on my terms," Triple H said

"See you at No Mercy, kid," he said putting emphasis on kid

Dean rolled his neck and looked at Jade before he walked over to her

"Yo H, before you go, take this as a parting gift," Dean said, before he dipped Jade back slightly and pressed their lips together

"Triple H is absolutely heartbroken," she heard Michael say

Dean pulled back and caressed Jade's cheek

"All mine," he said hugging her while smirking at Triple H over her shoulder

Triple H gave Dean a death glare before raising his championship

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