Don't Do This To Me

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Jade was deciding on new ring gear when she felt two arms wrap around her and start swaying back and forth, she chuckled and kissed Dean's temple

"What're you doing?" She asked him, giggling as he buried his nose into her neck

"Can't I hug my beautiful wife?" He asked, pressing a kiss to her neck

"What do you want?" She asked, suspiciously

"I was hoping we could go on a mini vacation for our anniversary?" Dean proposed, keeping his nose buried in her neck

"Hmm, sounds good, where do you wanna go?" She asked, clicking through the pictures on the laptop

"Bora Bora, was beautiful when we went," Dean said

Jade smiled knowing Dean loved Bora Bora alot

"Sure babe, we'll go to Bora Bora," she accepted and smiled

"Awesome, your parents are carrying your sisters to Disneyland and wanted to take DJ for the weekend so I thought we could get away," Dean elaborated

Jade nodded and continued looking through her potential outfits, while Dean went to work out

She finally picked one and smiled, sending it to her dad and the seamstress

She sighed and received a reply, saying they thought she would choose that one and they already had it waiting for her, she chuckled and quickly responded to it before she began her journey to the gear room

"Hey Sara," she said, raising her hand, getting one in return before she laid it out for Jade to see

It consisted of a black hooded crop top with her name printed on the back, a camo pants and combat boots, and she had already decided how to do her hair

She smiled and thanked them, carrying her gear to her bags and sighing, this was good. She felt great getting back in the ring. But she had retired The Huntress, so she needed to get some new merch as well as get a new theme song and needed to rename her finishers and submission moves. This was gonna be a long day.

"Maryse," Jade called, stopping Maryse in the hallway

"What's up Jade?" She asked, stopping and looking at Jade

"Well we haven't been as close as we were, I miss you Mar Mar," Jade said, smiling

"Awwh, I missed you too Jay, especially because I have nobody to nag me when I go shopping," Maryse said making both of them laugh

"Oh my gosh, that was so funny, I'm sorry about that by the way," Jade said, smiling as she and Maryse caught up

"Hey, wait, aren't you and Mike in town close to us tomorrow?" Jade asked

"Yeah, we're gonna see Mike's mom, why?" Maryse asked her

"We should catch up. Are you free?" Jade replied

"Oh definitely, well do...brunch?" Maryse asked, smiling

"Absolutely, without the boys of course, we need some girl time," Jade said, smiling

"Can't wait. Mike's waiting, we're leaving tonight," Maryse said, playfully rolling her eyes, making Jade smile

"I'll see you." Maryse said, waving as she left

Jade waved back with a grin and set off to find her lunatic of a husband, when she found him, he told her he had to go to a creative meeting right now, so she could go back to the hotel, she agreed and left

So now, Jade was sitting in their apartment bored out of her mind when she got a naughty idea

She stripped down to her calvins and took a picture, sending it to Dean

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