I Can't Believe This!

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Jade and Dean had just come back from vacation, after spending two days, cuddled up and leeching off each other. Let's just say, the first day, they spent it adding a few dents to the headboard and waking up their neighbors in the hotel room next to them

Now, they were at Jade's parents house for another two days, before they would rejoin WWE's tour for Smackdown

Jade and her family had just come back from the lake where Jade decided to post a picture she took

Jade and her family had just come back from the lake where Jade decided to post a picture she took

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@JadeWWE Them💜 #GrandpaGoals ladybug nose kisses 🐞😘 @tripleh Love seeing him with DJ❤

DJ was tall for her age, honestly, she was also brilliant and hyperactive

She decided to take a shower while Stephanie cleaned up around the house and Triple H bathed the girls and Dean bathed DJ

She took off her top and pulled down her shorts, stripping down completely before she took off her bracelet and put it on the counter

She got in the shower, letting the cool water run over her body and she ran her hands through her hair, moisturizing her hair with the shampoo

She got out and toweled off, putting on her clothes and heading back into her and Dean's bedroom, spraying some perfume and brushing out her hair, she'd moisturize her skin before she slept.

She walked downstairs to dinner with her family, seeing DJ eating while Dean conversed with Triple H and Stephanie, while her sisters ate with them

She sat down and joined the conversation, laughing along before she realized her charm bracelet wasn't on her hand

"Oh no, I left my bracelet upstairs, I'll be right back," Jade said, running up the stairs into the bedroom, looking at the counter where she hid it under two used makeup wipes, because her sisters always took her jewelry to play dress up and she couldn't afford to lose this bracelet

She looked around but didn't see it, she also didn't see the makeup wipes and she went back downstairs

"Girls, did you take my bracelet?" She asked her sisters and daughter, they all shook their head

"Well then where is it? It was under some used makeup wipes," she said accusingly

Stephanie's eyes widened and she dropped her fork

"Under used makeup wipes on the counter of the guest bedroom?" Stephanie asked

Jade nodded

"I may have thrown it out, while I was cleaning," Stephanie replied, kind of scared

"What?" Jade asked

"You, you threw out my bracelet?" Jade asked

"I can't believe this!" Jade screamed, before she ran up the stairs, in tears

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