Can I Touch Them?

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Jade and Dean walked through the hallway at the hospital that Seth was in. Since he had the surgery early yesterday morning, the doctor told them he would be awake, and he would be slightly woozy because of the anesthetics he was on

Seth waved to them as the nurse wheeled him back to his room

Seth waved to them as the nurse wheeled him back to his room

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The nurse told them they could come in

Jade knocked on the door

"Come in," they heard him reply

Jade took a breath before she pushed open the door and her heart hurt

Jade took a breath before she pushed open the door and her heart hurt

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He had put his signature glasses back on

"Hey Jade, hey Dean," he replied

Jade leaned down and gave him a hug, he smiled at her and then Dean gave him a bro-hug

"The anesthetics should be wearing him down soon and he might start saying some pretty crazy things," the doctor said as he and the nurse walked out

Seth sadly looked at his banded stomach and sighed as he ran his fingers over the bandage

Seth sadly looked at his banded stomach and sighed as he ran his fingers over the bandage

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"So, are you okay baby brother?" Jade asked, rubbing Seth's leg

He looked up and she could see the medicine was beginning to kick in

"Its like hurting and junk, but I'll make it, it's insane how quick they did the surgery," he said explaining how everything went

"Its like hurting and junk, but I'll make it, it's insane how quick they did the surgery," he said explaining how everything went

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"My eyes hurt," Seth randomly mentioned as he pulled off his glasses

"Speaking of eyes," he paused, yanking Jade closer so he could look into her eyes

"Your eyes are really pretty," he said, smiling almost drunkenly

She smiled, knowing how much Seth loved her eyes, he always said, how beautiful the swirl of green mixed with hazel stood out so dramatically and stunningly

"They're so pretty," he continued

"Can I touch them?" He asked, reaching his hands out

Jade violently pulled back

"Whoa there big boy, my eyes are off limits," she said, smacking his hands as they made another trip for her eyes

He looked at his offended hand and then at Jade

He gave her an innocent glare and then looked at Dean

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He gave her an innocent glare and then looked at Dean

"Hi Dean, when did you get so pretty?" He asked, reaching to stroke Dean's cheek

"Dude," Dean warned, stepping back

Seth's bottom lip trembled as Dean stepped away from him, and behind Jade

"Why does nobody love me?" He complained

The door opened

"Hey babe, I got you-" Sarah trailed off as she noticed Jade and Dean

"You must be Harley and Dean, I'm Sarah," she introduced, putting her hand out

"That's us, call me Jade," she replied, answering the handshake, followed by Dean

"Sarah?" Seth asked woozily

Sarah's attention turned to him and she walked to him

After an hour, Jade, Dean and Sarah had become better friends and Seth had fallen asleep

Jade and Dean, held hands, with locked fingers as they walked out of the hospital together

"Babe," Dean spoke as they made their way to their hotel

"Hmm?" She replied, smiling as she pressed the floor button

"Sarah's good for Seth isn't she?" Dean asked

She loved how Dean cared about his brothers

"Yeah, she's fine babe, they're happy and she really cares for him," she replied yawning

"You tired?" Dean asked, watching as she leaned against his arm, eyes closing

Dean smiled slowly as the door opened and Dean bent down and wrapped one of his arms under her knees and the other around her back and he heaved her up into his arms, he smiled when she cuddled into his chest

"Hmm, I love you," she murmured, before her breath evened out and a small smile stayed on her lips

"I love you too," he replied

He grinned as he pushed the door open and carried her over the threshold

This reminded him so much of their wedding night, except she was in a pair of jeans and a vest with her leather jacket covering her as she slept

But right now, she looked as beautiful as she did on their wedding day.

He gently lay her down on the bed and stripped down before he joined her, he grinned as she turned and buried her face into his chest, he instantly wrapped her up, protectively, letting his eyes close.

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