I Did, Didn't I?

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Jade squinted as the light was let into the dark room, she groaned and opened her eyes, seeing Dean standing over her with a wide grin

"Good morning!" He greeted

"Good morning baby," she replied, sitting up and looking at him, he smiled and put a plate in her lap then took out his phone and looked at Jade and took a picture as she realized what was going on

"Good morning baby," she replied, sitting up and looking at him, he smiled and put a plate in her lap then took out his phone and looked at Jade and took a picture as she realized what was going on

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@DeanAmbrose Breakfast in bed for this beautiful thing, just to show her I appreciate her. Love ya @JadeAmbrose 💘💏

Jade grinned as Dean sat with her and they fed each other from the food he made. There was french toast, choco chimp pancakes and a bowl of yogurt, and they sat and ate everything. It was then Jade realized it was nearly noon. To be fair, Dean really wore her out last night.

She got up, bathe and changed her clothes and then made lunch and her and Dean sat down to eat. DJ was with developmental still and had decided to take her brothers to see the ring and stuff.

"What?" Jade asked, realizing Dean was staring at her

"You look so beautiful right now," Dean told her, she looked at him and smiled

"You look so beautiful right now," Dean told her, she looked at him and smiled

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"Thanks babe," she said grinning

"Its amazing after 15 years together, you still manage to make me smile jist by saying that," Jade said, drinking some smoothie

"Its insane that after 20 years in the wrestling ring, my body didn't stop me from retiring," Dean said, looking down at his plate

"Its insane that after 20 years in the wrestling ring, my body didn't stop me from retiring," Dean said, looking down at his plate

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"But even after 45 years, your still sexy as fuck," Jade admitted, biting a piece of turkey that she dipped in cranberry sauce

Dean laughed out loud as what she said and she grinned at the sound of his laugh, that sound just made her tingly

"You know your dad and I were talking on Friday and he asked me if you'd be interesting in being an exec like him cuz since Vince died and your uncle took over as Chairman, and your dad became CEO he wanted to know if you'd like a position as a hi...

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"You know your dad and I were talking on Friday and he asked me if you'd be interesting in being an exec like him cuz since Vince died and your uncle took over as Chairman, and your dad became CEO he wanted to know if you'd like a position as a higher up," Dean proposed moving his glass then leaning back and looking at her

"You know your dad and I were talking on Friday and he asked me if you'd be interesting in being an exec like him cuz since Vince died and your uncle took over as Chairman, and your dad became CEO he wanted to know if you'd like a position as a hi...

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"What'dya think?" Dean asked her

"Absolutely not. I love WWE with a passion yeah of course, but I left to be with my family. I'm not going back Deano," Jade said sighing

"I mean I guess I understand where you're coming from baby." Dean replied

Jade nodded in agreement and grinned at him

"I need to get back, will you take me to the airport?" Dean asked getting up, Jade nodded and stood up, following after Dean

"I'm gonna miss you," Dean said, watching as Jade turned around to face him

"I'm gonna miss you," Dean said, watching as Jade turned around to face him

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"I'm gonna miss you too, I love you." Jade said, smiling

"I love you more." Dean replied, kissing Jade before boarding the plane

-2 weeks later-

"And Aunt Rose, I don't think you've met him yet," Jade began, looking at her aunt. Dean and her were currently at the annual family reunion

"This is my husband, Dean Ambrose." Jade introduced, hand in Dean's bicep

" Jade introduced, hand in Dean's bicep

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"Nice to meet you." Dean said, putting out his hand which Jade'a aunt shook

"Such a gentleman. You did good finding this one Jadey," her aunt said before she walked over to Hunter

"I did, didn't I?" She said, looking into Dean's eyes, Dean grinned and looked down at her, leaning down to meet her lips

"Love you." She whispered, Dean grinned and pecked her lips again

"Love you too," he whispered back

Jade hugged him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and burying her face into his chest, smelling like the familiar cologne that she loved on him, Dean chuckled as he felt her sigh contentedly against his chest and he wrapped her just as tight in his arms as she did, him.

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