WrestleMania Night

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Jade went over to see whose match was first and it was Dean's so she got to wardrobe first got in her outfit and then to hair and makeup

Then she had 5 minutes to meet Dean at the guerrilla, when she met him, he had a look of love in his eyes as he stared at her

"You look amazing cupcake," he said kissing her hair

When Retaliation hit, she walked out behind Dean

"And being accompanied by Jade Helmsley, he is the current intercontinental champion, Dean Ambrose,"

"And being accompanied by Jade Helmsley, he is the current intercontinental champion, Dean Ambrose,"

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She grinned and spread her coat as she climbed up the steps

She smiled and waved at her sisters in the front before she turned back to Dean

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She smiled and waved at her sisters in the front before she turned back to Dean

When Baron's music hit, Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to Jade and put his intercontinental championship on her shoulder

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When Baron's music hit, Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to Jade and put his intercontinental championship on her shoulder

When Baron made it to the ring, Dean held the ropes open for Jade to step out of the ring, before she did though, she put her hands behind Dean's head and brought his head to hers, giving him a kiss, then she stepped out of the ring as the bell rang

The match was pretty evened out until Baron floored Dean and came over to Jade

"That's the man you want? Can't even defend himself, just another weak link," then he did the crazy eyes and Jade smirked and nodded before she slapped him so hard it echoed in the arena

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