Dean's New Storyline

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So after Jade went to the doctor's yesterday, she received bittersweet news

She didn't need surgery but she woke up an old injury that would stop her in ring career

She was okay with the news to be very honest, because she needed time to plan her wedding and if the match with Brock was her last, then, she was proud of it. She did her best and she won the match, what else could she want?
When she arrived at the arena with Dean, her dad pulled both of them in his office to discuss a new storyline in which he would blame Dean for Jade's retirement then they'll eventually have a match

Jade was so happy because she knew how much Dean wanted to work with her dad again

So they started the base of the promo tonight

Her dad was about to go to the ring and berate Dean

"I want to address the virus that has overtaken my daughter, that virus makes her do crazy and insane stunts like face Brock Lesnar inside a steel cage, that virus made her rebel against The Authority

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"I want to address the virus that has overtaken my daughter, that virus makes her do crazy and insane stunts like face Brock Lesnar inside a steel cage, that virus made her rebel against The Authority. That virus' name is Dean Ambrose." Hunter said

"And I'll be damned straight to hell if I let that raving lunatic be with my daughter, he damn sure doesn't deserve her!" Hunter yelled

"He is the scum of the earth, gutter trash, a parasite that finds a beautiful, vulnerable young lady and plants himself in her mind to make her believe he loves her, and when he does get what he wants, he ups and leaves moving on to the next best thing. He. Does. Not. Deserve. My. Daughter." He punctuated

He smirked, dropped his microphone, made a pose with his title

He smirked, dropped his microphone, made a pose with his title

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And walked backstage.

Then a few minutes later, Dean appeared angrily, walking down the hallway

Then a few minutes later, Dean appeared angrily, walking down the hallway

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Jade quickly ran up and he stopped when she put her hands on his chest

"Dean wait, please wait, please," she said breathlessly

He looked at her

"Please don't hurt him. Don't hurt him, he didn't mean it." Jade pleaded

"Baby, you saw what he said out there, how dare he doubt our relationship, that was so embarrassing, how dare he!" Dean said angrily

"I saw Dean, just please, please don't hurt him," Jade said, hands clasped and in tears

"He's not getting any younger, please Dean, please, please don't hurt him, please," she begged putting her clasped hands in front of her mouth

Dean looked at her and sighed before he brought Jade into his arms

"Okay baby, alright, no babe, don't cry, I won't hurt him love, just talk to him. Because if I talk to him, it will get physical," he promised keeping his hands on her shoulders

"Okay, okay, I'll talk to him," she promised

"Good, good," he said, watching as she walked away to her dad's office

He grunted and slammed his fist on a crate before raking his hands over his face

Jade walked into her dad's office seeing his back turned

"Dad." She called

He didn't answer

"Dad, what you did out there was unacceptable," she said tilting her head threatingly

"Unacceptable?" Triple H asked amused as he turned around

"You really vexed Dean." She proceeded

"Ohh, poor Ambrose, did I hurt his widdle feelings?" He mocked

Jade's lips sat in a straight line, annoyed

"You need to stop." She told him

"Your in no position to give me directions young lady." He said giving her a warning look

"Just stay out of my relationship,"  she told him

"Let him tell me that, cuz apparently its gonna get, what was the word, physical?" He said using quotation marks

Jade huffed and marched out of his office, her heels clicking angrily against the floor

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