I Can't Believe I Screwed Up So Much

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Jade looked at a confused Randy who opened his mouth to ask her a question.

"I think you should go." Jade said trying to keep her voice strong

"Harley-" he began

She took up his ring and stared at her name in the engraving and she took up his shirt and handed them both back to him

"Leave." She said in a stern voice

Randy looked at her

"Go to Kim and your family. They need you right now." She said bitterly and closed the door in his face

She wiped her cheeks and put back on her high heels and walked to Seth's locker room knowing she needed to tell someone

When he opened the door, she couldn't help it, she broke down crying in his arms

Seth was shocked but he wrapped her in his arms and smiled while he rubbed her back

When she got done relaying her story, Seth was shocked.

"I can't believe I screwed up so much." Jade said putting her head in her hands and sighing

"You need to tell Dean." Seth said looking at Jade as her head snapped up and she nodded


Jade was walking down the corridor when she saw him

She nodded her head at his impressive shot before he grabbed another dart

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She nodded her head at his impressive shot before he grabbed another dart

"Hey Dean," she interrupted

Dean visibly jumped

"I'm sorry," she apologized

Dean smiled upon seeing her

"Nah don't worry about it, what's up sweetheart?" He asked shooting the dart

She took a deep breath and began

"So you know how we kinda like each other?" She asked playing with her fingers

Dean instantly smiled

"Yeah, what about it? You change your mind?" He asked jokingly

She didn't reply and his smile dropped instantly

"You changed your mind?!" He asked and Jade could hear his panic

"No. But you might." She mumbled but he heard and sat down and crossed his arms

"Shoot." He said

She took a deep breath

"I kissed Randy." She bluntly said
Dean paused for a second

"Did you feel anything for him?" Dean asked and that was the question she didn't want to hear so she didn't answer

Dean nodded and stood up

"Excuse me, I need to be...anywhere else but here." He said in a broken voice before he pushed past Jade and was out the door

"Dean no, wait!" Jade tried explaining but he was already gone

Jade screamed and let her hands tug at the ends of her hair

What had she done?

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